Monday, December 14, 2015

It's Not Christmas ... Without Krampus

If you're not traumatizing your kids for life, how can you possibly say you have really done your job as a parent.  In Europe, they do not have that problem ... they have Krampus.

If you were a bad kid during the year then maybe Santa Claus only gives you coal ... but ... Krampus will beat you, bite off your head, and stick you in a bag.

There was a recent case in Bavaria in which people were re-enacting the visit of Saint Nicholas and Krampus as has been a tradition for, oh, centuries, we're guessing.  In this case, Krampus was actually hitting children and he didn't do much physical harm but we can be safe in the knowledge these kids will never look at Weihnachten (i.e. Christmas in German) quite the same way again.

Cat talked of how she was terrified of Knecht Ruprecht when she was a kid and I think he is the same fellow as Krampus.  The Scots have some really great scary creatures in their folklore but who is scarier than Krampus.  Take a look at that guy ... he's going to mess you right up.

So, um, ho ho ho, right?

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