Saturday, May 13, 2017

Which News Network Does the CIA Control

The source of all corruption in the world is pedophiles undermining the lives of children or the CIA undermining governments.  We don't suspect the CIA of pedophilia but would not put it past them; they're just as destructive to children except they do it in a different way.

The news is fraught with dishonesty so the pop-up question is which one or many does the CIA control?

Ed:  obviously Fox News!

You're never going to make Detective, young grasshopper.  Fox News already delivers the far right Bible thumping Jesus ever wanted.  They don't need to do anything with that pack of prattling and parading parrots.

Ed:  wherever Rachel Maddow went?

Three strikes and no more chances at Detective for you.

Rachel Maddow only fires up femmes and the CIA already knows that doesn't matter since the only consequence is Michael Moore will write a play for Broadway where he will make big bucks crying about what a bitch it was.

Note:  that's true and it has opened or will open soon.  The Rockhouse hopes that sick bitch tanks and break both legs, Moore; you gravy sucking opportunist of a sycophantic exploitative pigdog.

Ed:  it's got to be Russia Today with that pack of filthy Commies

Kiss goodbye to Detective, young novitiate.  Russia Today is doing exactly what the CIA wants since they're the focus for all the evil in the world.  If you will make people really nuts, it's important to have a scapegoat.  They're perfect for that.

Just because for some inexplicable reason we like you, have another go.

Ed:  that leaves CNN is the CIA front?

Pitiful that it took you so long, young grasshopper, but that's correct since it's not the purpose of CIA to inform anyone but rather spread FUD (i.e. Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt).  They've got the neolibs so confused they're carrying flags for the FBI like James Comey was the new age Joan of Arc.  Back at Langley, they must be laughing until they cry, particularly in the budget meetings.

Fenwick:  I say, Worthington, that was a dastardly fiendish and wonderfully economical method for bringing matters under control.

Worthington:  precisely, dear Fenwick.  When we keep them so confused and disorganized, they will never get anything done except chasing their tall tales until they die of exhaustion.

Fenwick:  jolly good, old chap

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