Saturday, May 13, 2017

Pope Francis to Canonize the Children Who Saw the Virgin Mary

You won't need a crash helmet since the Rockhouse isn't going to assault Pope Francis since we like and respect him.  The Rockhouse attacks Reagan routinely but he was such a savage there was no evidence he had even heard of the Pope.

There are two famed locations in which children saw visitations from the Virgin Mary, one was in Lourdes and the other was in Fatima where Pope Francis will canonize the children.

The reason for this missive is those stories were made into Hollywood movies, "The Song of Bernadette" and "The Miracle of Our Lady of Fatima."

The Miracle of Our Lady of Fatima is a Warner Color feature film made in 1952. It was promoted as a fact-based treatment of the events surrounding the apparitions of Our Lady of Fátima, in Portugal, in 1917.  (WIKI:  The Miracle of Our Lady of Fatima)

The Song of Bernadette is a 1943 drama film that tells the story of Bernadette Soubirous (later, Saint Bernadette), who, from February to July 1858 in Lourdes, France, reported eighteen visions of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It was directed by Henry King.  (WIKI: The Song of Bernadette (film))

I was fascinated by this material as a kid since I had never encountered religion at all.  I had heard of it but I wasn't interested.  I saw "The Song of Bernadette" on the telly and thought, whoa, this is unusual, isn't it.

Bernadette's suffering was true since she really did have tuberculosis and she really didn't tell anyone.  When the Mother Superior (or whomever) saw that, she was instantly convinced Bernadette was someone special.  Bernadette croaked not so long after.

I was the heretic kid seeing this and thinking, whoa, wtf??

Ed:  did it convert you?

Come off it, mate.  Anyone who is converted by a movie could probably be converted with a bowl of Corn Flakes and switched to another religion with the Rice Krispies.  Nah, that wasn't it but it did elicit some curiosity.

Ed:  do you believe those kids?

Ela, ela, why should I shred these kids and attack some of the most famous examples of Catholic faith which ever existed for the modern church.  Ain't goin' happen and there's no reason it should.  I ain't Richard Dawkins and my focus is still clear.

Ed:  you ain't any kind of geneticist doing seminal work!

He ain't doing that anymore, mate; he's just a crank for atheism.  Maybe a movie changed him.  Pfft.

Ed:  I keep waiting for the slashing to start

Get a handy supply of oxygen for that since it ain't gonna happen; I have no reason.  The Pope isn't starting wars, chucking drone bombs, telling me how to act, or getting into my face with stupid crap no-one needs.  He asks or suggests but he doesn't tell and I respect him for that.  For the political imitators in Washington, however ... nothing.  There hasn't been a pol sainted yet and there's never been a reason.

Ed:  that's the best slashing I'm going to get on this run, isn't it?

Yep.  I've got no reason, mate.  With the pols, they give me reason with every vicious word they say.  Pope Francis doesn't do that; he asks them to stop.

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