Sunday, January 1, 2017

You Dredged Up Eva Wiseman to Start Your New Year

That should make it easy to make a good New Year since Eva Wiseman is a journo who got fat, gave up sex, and blames men for it.  If that's your base point for starting 2017, it should be almost effortless to make it an improvement over that sorry start.

Wiseman also gave the world "A Day in the Life of a Liberal Jew" and that may seem redundant but obviously there are other kinds of Jews when a horror like Netanyahu exists.  Amazingly enough, not all Jews are liberals.

Ed:  all the Jews I ever met were liberals!

Sure and same here but you know the one word counter to that:  Netanyahu.

There were multiple hits for an article I wrote quite a while ago about this business of giving up sex.  My first thought was who the hell cares and the second thought was, yep, Russian hackers.

There was a big bump in hits from people in Germany so it seems (sob) they're the new hackers and probably now there will be sanctions against them, all because they wanted to know why Eva Wiseman gave up sex.

Ed:  wtf?

You tell me, matey mate.  I just observe (larfs).

Ed:  what's the problem here?

The problem is with people who don't identify with who they are but rather things which were handed to them.  Wiseman thinks it's important to identify as a Jew in maybe a similar way to people who don't go to church anymore but often wear crosses around their necks.  These are things which such people were handed rather than anything they made themselves.

If Wiseman had made a giant nipple sculpture and put it in Piccadilly Circus to make a statement about America's nipple terror and use of Puritan repression to subjugate women, she still wouldn't be much as an artist but at least that would be real to herself.

Ed:  but you believe that about Puritan repression!

I do but the art aspect is because Woody Allen used gigantic nipples in "Sleeper" about forty years ago.  Remember the scene in which Woody Allen and Diane Keaton were pursued by a giant breast?

Ed:  what's wrong with the tribalism now after you have said it's so important to humans?

Oh, that's right.  That thinking was dismissed as a paleontological piffle but now it has value, huh?

There's no change to my view of tribalism and my family has been Scottish for centuries but that doesn't mean I like bagpipes, haggis, or spending most of my life in a cold rain.  I went to Scotland in part for curiosity over whether this tribalism means anything but I found the sentiment is much more about nationalism than tribalism in Scotland so it wasn't that interesting when that phenomenon can be observed anywhere.

Note:  tribalism isn't that simple in Scotland and it does exist in the clans, to varying extents, but the emphasis is more on nationalism and waving the Saltire.

Ed:  right.  So tribalism doesn't mean anything anymore!

That point isn't made at all since the actual ubiquity is in people making mistakes such as casting off our tribes in favor of illusions.  Nationalism cannot possibly replace tribalism since the latter has no borders.  That's the same reason the Pentagon can't whack IS-IS since it isn't really anywhere.  The Pentagon keeps using WWII tactics and IS-IS keeps laughing at the generals.

Ed:  ISIS isn't a real tribe either!

Yah but they're better at the pitch than anywhere else.  There's no way to defeat people who will blow their guts all over a market to make a point.  For example, if Japan had started earlier in WWII with using Kamikaze pilots to take out American aircraft carriers, the outcome might have been different.

Ed:  so people don't have much of an idea what they're doing?


Ed:  but you do?


That's why the Rockhouse New Year video last night since I knew it wouldn't be much watched but it's my giant nipple which I make with full knowledge Hendrix made much better giant nipples fifty years ago.  (Ithaka:  Happy Rockhouse New Year - Silas Scarborough Rides the Dragon (video))

Maybe it's comedy to do Jack Benny's violin in purple with RayBans.  Maybe it's I'm Still Standing to show some attitude from an Old Fucker.  Maybe it's even musical for not such a shabby effort.  Or maybe because it is a New Year and we know that doesn't mean anything but we can dress it up and have a little fun with it.  Even if you don't watch any of the rest of the video, go for about the last thirty seconds since that's definitely the smile of a Happy Purple Guy.


Anonymous said...

Was not that his version of Everything you wanted to know about sex

* but were afraid to ask

Anonymous said...

You should appreciate Scotland a little more as they are trying a Universal Income for all citizens in several counties.
Hell I assume thier economy is doing gang busters and have extra revenues to hand out.
Or maybe it will be a check not cash

Unknown said...

I think one of the Scandinavian countries has already got to a Universal Income and they go full bore Socialism with high taxes / big benefits. It seems to work but I haven't followed it closely. Unknown how that would go in Scotland but I've written already of how I believe it's inevitable everywhere.

UK is said to be second most powerful military in the world and unclear on what basis but their nuke subs are based in Scotland. With that kind of military overhead, a whole lot of taxes must be getting drained off and a whole lot of Socialism goes into making more subs.

Unknown said...

I don't recall the details of "Sleeper" too much but that gigantic inflatable boob was not to be forgotten. It must have been over ten feet tall or more.

Anonymous said...

It wasnt Sleeper. And it was a single tit with the punchline after corraling it. Watch out I hear these things travel in pairs

Unknown said...

Got to admire the vision of a mind which conceives that!

Anonymous said...

Isnt he the same mind that sleeps with his incredibly young adopted child

Unknown said...

Yepper. He doesn't get a pass on that just because he's imaginative.