Wednesday, January 18, 2017

We Want to Welcome Chelsea Manning When She Comes Home

Obama has reduced the sentence for Chelsea Manning and she will now be released in May rather than in 2045.  There is sincere appreciation for releasing her and there are two more freedom fighters who need to be free as well:  Edward Snowden and Julian Assange.

There's no need for much of an editorial beyond freedom is truth and without that freedom means nothing.  These people risked everything to bring us truth and they have our deepest respect.

There's a trite and hackneyed response to Manning's release from Judith Miller who's a pundit somewhere or other.  The suggestion is to save your time since her view is not worth it and the mention is only for accuracy.

Ostrichism is an odd and highly-destructive phenomenon.  It's easily-observed here on Ithaka in the articles people don't read.  There was one yesterday regarding the destructiveness to about twenty percent of the young in their use of social networks but people didn't read it much.  Make whatever conclusion you like but we see people dodging the reality of a false perception of the value of social networks.   (Ithaka:  More Evidence of the Destructiveness of Social Media for the Young - Science)

We know already people frequently will only want to hear confirmation of things they already believe and the pop news channels (e.g. CNN, Fox, etc) rely on that heavily.  CNN has done it so much it's lost all credibility while, surprisingly, Fox has been edging up slightly.  The Guardian spins around in circles and doesn't seem to have any idea what it's doing anymore.

Everything on Ithaka is true and likely you know it.  The Anthropology is in observing which things people read and also which ones they don't.  Sometimes there is more revealed in that which people do not read.

Yesterday there was also an article on "Where Have All the Flowers Gone" but people don't even want to consider such things when so many have swung to the idea of any kind of righteousness in the warring.  (Ithaka:  Now More than Ever, "Where Have All the Flowers Gone" - Pete Seeger)

The reaction in me to the song surprised me as I wasn't expecting it.  I know the song well and I've loved Pete Seeger forever so all I expected was to hear a sweet vibe of goodness from a good man.  Instead, it absolutely buried me.  I suspect that would happen to many if they listen but see above about ostrichism.

Note:  Apple doesn't believe 'ostrichism' is a real word but Tim Cook's ostrichism could easily mean Apple isn't real in any other context than that of Mattel Toys.

When the audience swings behind Seeger and starts singing him, that's when Niagara Falls starts.  I don't just say we're capable of better; I know it and I've seen it.

Thank you, Chelsea Manning, for your immense sacrifice as the military costs all vets in terrible ways with so many faring much worse than others.  As they say at VA, some gave all and all gave some.

We see now Chelsea Manning will be coming home to freedom and those are happy tears.

We are capable of better, much better.

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