Monday, January 23, 2017

The Chords for the Unrecorded Thing from Last Night are Down

There was no intention to record anything as I only wanted to see if I had the chords down the way I thought I did.  Check.

The pattern is short and pretty but it will cloy after too long so that needs a modulation and the obvious is to push it up a whole tone so do that.

The looper for the guitar pedal doesn't stop as soon as I tell it to stop that prevents a hard exit but the Boss looper doesn't.  However, the Boss comes linked with the drum machine and I don't want to push buttons or tweak knobs to turn it off.  That's an experiment waiting to happen.  Maybe it adds some pepper or maybe it's just noise.

The value of a hard stop is it allows getting staccato and dramatic since it needs some cool segue to the first of the modulated chords and then kick it to start the theme pattern again.

There's one bug floating about as the Boss looper gives a click track, in effect, and that would be audible while I record each loop.  It should wind up under whatever drum pattern I pick but it can still be intrusive sometimes.

The dream is to be Zappaesque but that one's a fantasy.  Pulling some good drama out of a simple change should be possible with that kind of change since drums will come back with the chords as soon as I start recording them.

Ed:  you're just playing patterns.

Not really since the notes within it drive any change.

There's no complexity in this since it's only an F to Am using multiple adornments through the bit.

Clever complexities do fly around the room since the changes come as two repeats of that F to Am bit and then push it up to start on G for another couple of repeats.  There's some clever segue to the sequence at some discordant interval just for the sake of being unnerving if it's about the disaster the maelstrom brings.

Then it flies about whether it gets technically clever and musically stupid and that immediately segues to the all-important chorus:

Shut up and play.

There's a cacophony out there and that's not such a common word so it means a huge noise and it's not a good one.  There's a whole lot of cacophony online.  Y'all be careful out there.  I'll make my own cacophony right here, thank you very much.

Definition only comes if someone asks since it's not my purpose to patronize anyone.  I just like screwing with words to find the twisted concepts they bring.  A loud noise may be annoying or scary but cacophony makes it an entity, some kind of beastly life form.  Oh yeah, I ran into a damn cacophony once.  It was terrifying for the missus.  Somebody should oughta do something about those cacophonies once and for all, I'm tellin' you.

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