Monday, January 16, 2017

Some Twitticisms from Today

CNN had time to analyze every word Monica Crowley wrote but they didn't read any of the emails from the DNC which showed influence peddling.

Wow, the Inauguration is in a few days and I forgot about it relative to an upcoming colonoscopy ... which is largely the same thing.

Clinton Global Initiative to lay off employees, shut down amid dwindling donations | Can't sell influence anymore.

CNN soon announces the Ten-Day-Monster cold in U.S. was started by Russian hackers.  Get it ... hackers.  CNN has such rebels.

America's greatest resource is its children and many of them don't even get enough to eat while John Brennan spends like he's at a party.

How comical to see it said Euros are defending NATO so apparently they don't mind the nukes on their homeland anymore?

More than likely the only ones who are concerned about America pulling out of NATO are the statists who profit from American dollars.

Fort Worth is holding the annual march for Martin Luther King today and Texas isn't really the South but it's not all as racist as it seems.

#MyHeadlineWouldRead has a heart full of love but sees the futility of it in a world which talks about love but doesn't believe it

I Have A Dream that one of our greatest leaders, Martin Luther King, is taken to the soul rather than just bleeding heart quotes online.

Something no-one in Washington will tell us and many don't know is how much is budgeted for the CIA because it's classified.  Fucking why?

Amazing how many use Facebook and / or Twitter at work and, man, they must have really shitty jobs

Some scabrous vermin in Japan have just killed a whale on the sneak and the ones who did it will probably get big bonuses for doing it.

Trump seriously looks like he's the one who wants to turn back the Doomsday Clock while Obama and Brennan only pushed it closer to midnight.

When celebrities skip the Inauguration, what difference should it make except George Clooney won't be licking anyone's ass.

It would have been better if @BarackObama had aspired to be something more than a CIA cheerleader; a President, for example.

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