Monday, January 16, 2017

Our Revolution versus Donald Trump on Affordable Care Act

Bernie Sanders kicked off #OurFirstStand today and got reviews of 'electrifying' from his SRO crowd in Michigan while there were parallel protests across the country against replacement of the Affordable Care Act.  We don't forget the ACA was not the original plan since Sanders wants to socialize all of it and I agree with him.

Meanwhile, Donald Trump promises medical coverage for all and that doesn't exist now.  I know it; I live it.  Y'all know it as well every time you need to pay for prescriptions but can't afford them.  (Washington Post:  Trump vows ‘insurance for everybody’ in Obamacare replacement plan)

All of the pre-programmed pols on social networks, etc are only too happy, assuming they ever get even close to happy, to tell us what Trump will do with medical care but, here at the Rockhouse, we want to hear it from him and see it first-hand.  We have already seen how he wants to call Big Pharma to task for their extortion and we laud that mightily, particularly when no-one else has done it despite any pretensions toward being Democrats.

Ed:  Sanders wanted to do that too!

Yah but the Democrats rejected him in favor of the Killer Queen and made it all seem it had something to do with feminism, didn't they.  The lies and incompetence from the DNC have to stop and it appears Sanders has done that while the Killer Queen is nowhere to be seen although she's probably back at the banks, groveling for more money.

We're tired of being called woman haters, racists, or any other kind of convenient cheapshots they use to bolster their false positions but this contest between Sanders and Trump is the real thing.  We're not racist and we heartily wish Obama had done this but, the fact remains, he didn't.  We judge him as a politician, not as a black man, and any attempt to divert us from that assessment is overtly racist and obfuscatory insofar as it draws attention to race when it wasn't germane.  (Ithaka:  So Tired of Being Called a Racist by Statist Apologists @ElitistBlackWoman)

Now we're in a position to see some real democracy and it could be an interesting spectacle.  Protests bring lots of melodrama but they probably won't affect Trump much.  The real contest will be in Washington and that's a direct stand off between Sanders and Trump.

We don't care about who is the best man but we care a lot about who pushes the best position.  Marking time with the Affordable Care Act is one approach while the other is something radical we haven't heard yet.  I want to hear it and then I want to hear Sanders and Trump talk about it.  The others just waste my time.

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