Monday, January 16, 2017

Donald Trump Hints at START III Nuclear Reduction Talks

Donald Trump is actually making some of the biggest scores we possibly could have hoped and it seems he now suggests reductions in nukes in exchange for removal of sanctions.  This kind of business we can support any time whatsoever.  (RT:  Trump: US may lift Russian sanctions in exchange for nuclear reduction deal – Times, Bild)

It's too ambitious to call Trump's thinking any kind of a START III since Obama and those before him made an obscene joke out of the START reductions and have dodged it like they're avoiding the Greek tax collector but the intention is clear and we shall be most interested to see how this goes.

Note:  Obama has been sponsoring improved tactical nukes for deployment on aircraft, etc.  I'm sure the regulars can infer the technical analysis of Obama's behavior and what he did to START.   Yes, it involves fecal material.

Trump seriously looks like he's the one who wants to turn back the Doomsday Clock while Obama and Brennan only pushed it closer to midnight.

Frankly, I'm stunned.  I have not seen any President show this kind of balls previously.  Trump isn't just another cookie cutter President and he shows no sign of goose-stepping.

Y'all don't need the editorial since you can see it already and I suspect you're as pleasantly surprised (i.e. surprised as hell) to see this.  You have seen since the start I rejected Clinton due to the strong belief she would get us radioactive by continuing Obama's sophomoric brinksmanship with nukes.  When we see Trump rejecting that as well, this old vet will stand up to attention and give an entirely non-cynical salute.

Ed:  what the hell kind of vet are you?

The same kind as you, Brother Lotho, as we didn't do much but we did show up.

Anything beyond this is just bubbling but dayum!

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