Saturday, October 10, 2015

Volker Pispers, German Comedian - History of Terrorism (video)

Volker Pispers has exceptional insights and it should be a wee bit unnerving to hear his recital of US history, in part because it's dead accurate and also in part because many Americans don't know it or don't believe it.  Anything Pispers claims regarding Kissinger, Chile, Salvador Allende, etc is true and  all of it can be verified on WIKI.

The video is in German with subtitles but I did not find the subtitles difficult and they're better with his voice as that gives all the inflection you need to help follow it.

One of his beautiful early points was to describe the US-installed Shah of Iran (i.e. restored to power) and what a miserable bastard he was to his people.  Then he says you can get a perspective just how much of a dictatorial pig he was that they regarded the Ayatollah Khomeini as an improvement.

He's not playing cheapshot comedy as the installation of Pinochet in Chile and the Shah in Iran did, in fact, result in extreme-right dictatorial despots and that pattern has repeated in creating incompetent right-wing governments.  This is the blackbag side of American foreign relations and it's an ugly one replete with assassinations, engineered coups, and raging incompetence.

The matter is hardly ever addressed here and definitely not in the spotlight of these turkey shoot debates.  Yet it's common knowledge in Germany and you can hear that from the audience; they know what he says is true.  If that's not disturbing to an American, it ought to be.

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