Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Medical Plan Not as Lackadaisical As It Seems

The specific plan is to present at the dermatology clinic in the Dallas VA and demand a biopsy.  It may have seemed I did nothing after expecting an appt which did not come.  However, that would have followed an approach which did not previously work.  Therefore do it another way and that goes back to standing in front of someone rather than honking on a telephone which hardly ever accomplishes anything.

I'm not sure I knew what it was a year ago when I first showed it to Ms Kersa.  She blew it off and I suppose I did as well.  It has definitely changed since then and there's now another beside it.  It's serious shit and it will get some kind of answer today.  It feels overly-dramatic to upload a pic and much more effective to show it in-person in Dallas.

So, that's the plan.  It concerns me this appears as 'crying wolf' but you don't know a fraction of it and it would suck for everyone to go into all of it; that doesn't accomplish anything except melodrama.  I've had multiple surgeries for basal cell and conceivably this is the same thing but it doesn't resemble the others.

This is also a reminder to my family as we all got that big Australian sun and no-one was shy about soaking up more rays as we grew.  If you're not paying any attention to this for your own self then you're making a serious mistake.  It's ultra important to understand your skin is as important as any other system in your body.


Unknown said...

Total fail but will write a blurb after recovering a bit ... maybe tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Not to mention its the LARGEST system as well!

Unknown said...

I promise you straight, it's getting as much attention as I can give it. I know it's a major deal and I need an answer as in immediately.

Maybe ironic that I got some color from all that sun while I stumbled around Dallas. Crazy.