Sunday, October 25, 2015

Walmart Rockstars Playing Some Bluez (video)

Everyone has watched some teenager makes good movie at some time in your life.  These guys aren't teenagers but they did make good.  Clay Shelburn plays a toy Disney guitar on-stage and Zac Stokes sings with him ... in playing for Walmart ... at their request ... after four million people had watched the video.  Hat tip, young grasshoppers.  Some of y'all cowboys got some groove, for sure.

Here's the video which launched them:

Cadillac Man was on the phone via Skype and he's got some teenage excitement after hearing this guy.  He told me he misses that kind of excitement but I tell him it's cool you search for it because so many hit a flatline.  No need for detail for when I told him he runs himself down too much and doesn't give himself credit.  He knows Spanish for tourists and I'm good with language for tourists as well in the same way.  You learn out of respect and it's enough to be friendly but not enough to 'get down' ... so ... he goes back to uni to learn it deeper.  Both of us are explorers but in different dimensions.  I respect tremendously that he does it.  Last he went to Yellowstone and next he goes to the City.  I'm tellin' you, the cat explores.

Skype performance just now was abysmal.  The expected download speed is 65MB but was only showing 5MB.  Upload wasn't crushed as expected is about 5MB and it was maybe 2MB.  That was enough to run Skype but it sucks rocks for anything more.  Turned out only WiFi was working and it was fixed by moving to a different port on the router.

There were multiple storms over maybe the last week and the power has dropped at least once and stayed down long enough to crash Yevette's machine but it didn't crash mine because of the battery backup.  I didn't realize the power had dropped until I saw I had no Internet access.  So, things have been wonky but the storm has mostly pushed out of here.

So Cadillac Man got fired up for the Walmart Rockstars and it's every teenager makes good movie you ever saw.  He's getting gigs around the area and here's the beauty part:  it's this area.  He's from Fort Worth.


Cadillac Man said...

Thanks for the Walmart concert video. I hadn't seen that one.

Unknown said...

So I surprise you in return! Thanks!