Thursday, October 29, 2015

CNN Says 'Moderators Skewered' Regarding GOP Debate

More purple politics from CNN which doesn't even have reporters competent enough for garden shows, much less international politics.


Sen. Ted Cruz accused the moderators of trying to instigate a cage match

I suppose that's impressive if you don't know much English.  That's the closest approach Cruz will ever make to sport in his life, except in the genetic sense.  The only useful purpose Cruz could ever serve would be in a cage match ... with a bear.  Romans would love it and I know I would.

It's a proven scientific fact humans love to see evil politicians get eaten by bears.

Sen. Marco Rubio called the media a super PAC for Hillary Clinton

From this we discern that Rubio's puerile little thinkbox equates all media to CNN.  We assume this means Rubio wants you to believe he is not corrupted by his own Super PAC, just as is Hillary Clinton.  It amused yesterday to see all kinds of people chastising this dork for failing to show up at work in the Senate, a common problem as you can see by the lack of attendance at committee meetings.

Carly Fiorina said she is Clinton's worst nightmare.

She was partially correct as she is everyone's worst nightmare, particularly the tens of thousands of HP employees she put on the street and the stockholders of HP who lost roughly half the value of HP stocks.

Thanks for the bullshit info on Planned Parenthood, you worthless, self-entitled wastrel. She looks square at the camera and lies through her fookin' teeth. Taste real freedom, bitch ... in a vacuum.  Put her out the airlock.

Donald Trump slammed the "ridiculous questions."

Say there, Honey Boy, just because you do not have a valid answer does not making a question ridiculous.  So, who has been asking for years about Obama's birth certificate and now your monkey ass talks about ridiculous questions.  Piss off.  Fookin' amateurs waste my time, particularly those with ridiculous double standards for themselves and everyone else.

These pansy Republicans aren't giving us what we want:  human sacrifices on television.

They keep saying it but they never do it.

For candy-ass, the Republican National Committee chairman, Goombah Whothehellcares, said "I thought they would bring forward a pretty fair forum here tonight. But I think it was one gotcha question, one personal low blow after another."

In other words, your weasel candidates couldn't answer them and couldn't handle the heat.  Take them away and bring back some professionals who know the material next time.

Amateurs, every damn one of them.

All of the quotes are verbatim.  I'm not going to add the link to CNN as that will only waste your time too.

My own reaction is I was surprised at how bad it was.  After all this yap, there should be quality emerging from the pack and it's not there.

Yep, amateurs.

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