Monday, October 26, 2015

Chucking Politics Overboard

The Presidential candidates are more of an embarrassment than an amusement and the news just ain't funny.  The GOP has no idea what it's doing so the candidates eat each other.  Clinton doesn't care what she's doing and tries to eat everyone.  Sanders stands to one side speaking truth to much more acclaim than has been reported.  So now he is in the sidebar where he can continue to speak truth and there's no point in wasting your time with the others.  If any of the others win, we lose.  Your choice.

We always like to hoot at gunners who accidentally shoot themselves, but there's a special place for the most creative way of doing it.  MCSO: Teen shoots self with homemade shotgun

Discover why you absolutely, positively do not want to ever be a Hurricane Hunter:  Watch: 'Most intense turbulence' as NOAA flies through Hurricane Patricia.  If you are afraid of flying, the video will probably be sufficient to keep you on the ground indefinitely.

We're definitely running light on funny lately.  There's been a lot of angry about because of an SL venue owner who treats performers like potato chips by using them for a while and throwing the bag away when it's over.  There's another who constantly tangles with the first one and they have decided Cat's MusikCircus is the best theater to play their stupid gossip games.  Neither of them makes music in any way and they delight in preventing it by being so aggressively useless.  If either of them wants the company of musicians rather than other spinsters, they will need to learn better manners.

Just to be clear, Cat has immense musical background in a family of professional musicians and was taught to sing by her mother who put books on her stomach.  She then told Cat to push those bucks up before you sing and this taught her diaphragm control.  Musicians talk of such things whereas the gossip monkeys talk about nothing.

Window is shrinking for recording tonight.  Yevette is crashed and I figure the window is open for another ninety minutes before playing would be in violation of my definition of night time noise level.  It may yet be possible.  We shall see.

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