Wednesday, October 28, 2015

CNN Outdoes Itself Today with Smutty Religious Programming

Julianna Snow is a kid dying of incurable disease and the CNN headline is about her parents giving her the choice of going to hospital or going to Heaven.

All of this is part of a two-part feature with a huge, heartbreaking picture of the kid as an over-size banner.  They make out of this a Hollywood death scene of enormous proportion.

What they do not make out of it is any kind of news.  The tragedy is obvious as no-one wants a kid to die and the kid appears calm about her decision so that's reassuring for anyone of religious persuasion.  However, it does nothing for anyone without such interests because those solutions will be different and may well be equally effective.

It's not my purpose to compare such things and how they relate to children but rather to strongly object to presenting only one solution as that entire feature dissects to four words:  Kids Need to Pray, a common and highly-offensive bumper sticker seen on American cars and billboards.

Euros, I am not exaggerating.

Kids only need to pray if they're your kids but you don't have one tiny particle of claim to tell my kids what to do.  If I did that in any kind of way to your kid, you would shoot me or have me up on charges ... and deservedly.  What is not deserved is this blatant proselytizing from CNN.

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