Sunday, October 25, 2015

Holding on Recording

A trial bit just now was good play and came through well on the monitors ... just enough feedback for colors but not enough to start fires or cause ear damage.

Ended up gassed from that and the purpose had been only to set up cameras for the shoot and that did, mostly, get done ... but ... I wanted to see how well the image is framed, check focus, etc ... and that wound up with ... well, you're holding it ... play it.

Yevette made a point of saying it sounded beautiful so there's a win.  It wasn't recorded but it wasn't my purpose to do much of anything at that stage, it just felt good to play.

Mostly cooled back down but unknown if there is enough juice for another shot.  It's not just a matter of the cameras or the recording since the smoke from the fogger isn't toxic but it's still not the recommended breathing therapy ... plus it spreads all over the house so it's asking a lot of Yevette.  She's cool with it but something cool has to come out of it or it's an unfair imposition.

The monitors are still loud enough to hear the electronic carrier which you wouldn't hear with newer kit but (shrug) that's ok because the lasers are so damn loud with all their fans that any background noise from the monitors is trivial.

So, I need the and improved lyrics.  I'm talking to people who came in from the madness, got shanghaied or whatever got them here.  People are disappearing all over the place out there and no-one knows what does it.  Everyone thinks it is the end of the world.

Or it's a chronsynclastic infundibulum.

We won't take the outside inside,
there's nothing beyond the door.
We will walk to the island
and you've been there before.

It's right across a distant bridge
but you already know
Cross the bridge in the rainbow
and that's where we will go.


Short guitar break

Some would call this Eden
but it's not a sceptred isle
You're really going homeward
and you've felt it for a while.

There are no kings or queens here
do not feel at all alarmed
You can be everywhere at once
but all you love is here

Extended guitar break to whizbang and and close on F

The vibe still seems to be death whereas my intention is casting off the death of an artificial existence and greeting life on the other side of the bridge.  The same people are there but now there is no judgment, no competition, no winners nor losers.  It's what we always seek but get too busy to find.

The bridge is in chronosynclastic infundibulum and, from the other side, everything is truth and you can be everywhere at once.  In your mind, you do that all the time anyway but you dismiss it as a daydream.  Perhaps.  Billy Pilgrim called it being 'unstuck in time' and that's a blessing or a curse depending on your perspective.  You're never lost if you have time and, in a chronosynclastic infundibulum, time is irrelevant.

Nope, not going to make it tonight.  Nearly midnight and too much potential for audio buggery of the neighborhood because it will be loud.  The sound gets outside more than I thought so it requires coolness and that's necessary for the recording because you don't want it in your head while you play that you're bugging someone.

So, I will try again tomorrow.  I will finish the camera setup and then plan on another shot tomorrow.

Yep, definitely needs more coordination.  There's not much reefer left and that's important because I want full-out psychedelia for this.  There is additional stuff beyond the racked lasers, etc but using it needs coordination with Yevette because I'll need her to help.  This is definitely about firing all of your guns at once ... explode into space.

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