Thursday, October 29, 2015

What's Hot on the Blog 10/29


Hey Baby - recorded last night in the Rockhouse - Silas playing and recorded with multiple cams with full-boat insane visuals.  None were added in post-processing.  This is what it really looks like.

Ben Fields - he's the cop who threw the high school girl to the floor in South Carolina.  It gets worse as the kid is a recent orphan.

Kensington - bugs with cursor placement which started in Safari with errors in using Blogger text editing and also in bizarre behavior under Facebook.  Newer on that is Facebook may actually have done what I suggested in implementing some sort of gangster chat and it needs more review.  The problem with that is I haven't the faintest interest in review what silly bug drives the problem.  So, maybe something useful to you in the article if you experience the same thing.

If We Did - why we (i.e. Silas and I) do it

CNN - a perfectly ludicrous review of the dog & pony show on CSPAN last night.

Is He Gay? - you may find it amusing.  One reaction was, oh yeah, good ol' days.

Lights in the Night - a captivating song from Flash and the Pan.  Unknown vintage.

Stuttering - Fefe Dobson is the singer and she is not mocking people who stutter but rather she fires on a lover who stutters and shows the deceit.  The song works the same for cheating boyfriends or betrayal of the country by stiffs in suits making false promises.

"Hey Baby" - part of the prep for shooting the video

How to Make - it's getting the visual effect of shooting lasers out of your head but the article goes into the existential aspect of the intentionally overwhelming video experience.

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