Saturday, September 2, 2017

Ranger Rick Considers the Unsolved Case of the Jellystone Park Penis Prank

Just a penis, sitting on a chair (Picture: Facebook/Hagfors Kommun)

Isn't that the sweetest gift from Facebook where nipples are BBZ but a gigantic erect penis is A-OK.

Zen Yogi:  BBZ?

Banned By Zuckerberg.  He says he does it for the kids but given that thinking and this gigantic penis on proud Facebook display, these things only suggest one thing: we need to round up his kids.

Zen Yogi:  why?

Why to put them in protective custody, of course, mate!

Zen Yogi:  who leaves a gigantic wooden penis in a park, Silas?

I'm sure I don't know, Yogi, but we see someone sure did.

Zen Yogi:  I'm no expert on human penises, Silas, but that one looks deformed or damaged

It has no adjunct testicular apparatus but that helps in identifying who did it since the model must have been a politician.

Zen Yogi:  don't you think this is sick?

Nah, it is just a penis and every man has got one.  You must have forgotten "Captain Fantastic" already.

Zen Yogi:  of course ... with Viggo Mortensen and his mildly-amused penis

The giant sculpture was discovered by a local resident in Blinkenbergs Park on Thursday.

She immediately called employees of Hagfors, a municipality of around 12,000 people in the Värmland region, who bizarrely said it was not the first wooden penis that had rocked up randomly.

It was, however, the biggest… sitting at more than a metre in length.

METRO:  Somebody left a massive penis in a park and nobody knows why

Zen Yogi:  that thing is huge, Silas!

Nah, that's just average for Vikings.  They just laugh and laugh at porn stars and they say, "That's not a star; that's not even a bloody sparkler.

It gets better since it's not one but many, Yogi.

According to the employees, it is believed that an enthusiast – or group of enthusiasts – are behind the spate of penises.


Zen Yogi:  holy mackerel, Silas.  They have a practicing penis posse to spread these.

I question this bit about enthusiasts as how much enthusiasm can one possibly raise for making and disseminating badly-sculpted penises?

Zen Yogi:  maybe they are to intimidate Donald Trump?

I doubt it, Yogi, since you can intimidate him by telling him you don't like this toothpaste.  There are much easier ways.

Zen Yogi:  maybe it's a woman's walking stick since she could grab the, umm, base and she could ram the head into the ground with every step

Oh, sure, I bet there's great demand for that.

Zen Yogi:  don't be so cynical, Silas, since you must not have seen The Guardian lately

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