Saturday, May 13, 2017

You Remember Reagan, Right | He Was that Military Spendthrift Who Went Nuts

Surely you remember the massive escalations of the military which took place under Ronald Reagan and at generally the expense of everything else, particularly the credit unions which he single-handedly destroyed.

He was such a savage, reckless bastard, wasn't he.

Ed:  I'm sniffing a setup.

Well you might, mate.  Read on.

Dave  The Growth of US Military Spending Over the Years

Ed:  who's Dave Manuel?

Who cares since we're looking for where he got his data.

The OMB (Office of Management and Budget) has a page on their site that is devoted to the publishing of historical data (link below). There is all sorts of data published on the site - total government expenditures over the years, GDP over the years, etc.

- DM

You can see from the graph, Reagan's military spending topped out at about half a trillion annually during the Eighties.  That was reckless vandalism, obviously, but take a look at what happened in 2008 since half a trillion on the military annually is where Obama started and he nearly doubled the excesses of the Reagan era with regard to the military.

Reagan is reviled and Obama got a Nobel Peace Prize so tell me WTF?  What the fucking fuck?  How much more ludicrous does it have to get before people stand the fuck up about it.

And Donald Trump will raise it even higher than that.

Ed:  America has no hope?

Not that way.  MSM has been spewing crap like migrating Canadian geese and you don't ever want to get around that lot or be sure you have your waders.

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