Thursday, May 25, 2017

Veni; Vidi; Venimus Crassus

When you have a kid who is turning out vicious and mean then you will usually send him to a military school since maybe it will make him wise but there's nothing to lose since he's getting vicious and mean anyway.

There's nothing to do in a military school except participate in football and give each other blowjobs, as is the tradition with all boarding schools but military schools enjoy it more.

The vicious and mean ones likely got that way because they're homosexuals and refuse to admit it which causes all kinds of wiring problems in the brain.

In my life, I've known of a few who were packed off for military school but the salient point isn't that they went but rather they never came back.  We don't know or care what happens to people in military secondary schools since our only interest is to avoid their gunfire since they're mean, vicious, and now they blame their homosexuality on me.

At the college level, West Point is one of the most famous and it works the same way with football and homosexuality but the novitiates are a little more level-headed about it because they knew they were gay before they were ever accepted into the program.  The consequence of that is they no longer blame Americans for making them gay and they've converted that to hating everyone else in the world.  Even better, they're taught they do it for Jesus.

And so they got to the Middle East.

As to the title, how many skinny generals have you seen lately.  The Latin is the motto for West Point and it means I came; I saw; We got fat.  You saw how the same principle applies to anyone who licks Pentagon ass since Hillary Clinton has no recognizable shape anymore and Obama was never more than a shadow anyway.

Ed:  was that racist?

No, it means he's a pussy who hides behind something he's not, just the same as Clinton.  You'll see the same thing in Donald Trump as he licks Pentagon ass even more aggressively each day and the amorphous blob he presents will get even more bountiful although for the wife, nothing.

Ed:  what does that mean?

Melania is just waiting for the right moment to dump his fat ass.  He's nothing but bloated disgustingness.  He's too fat and lazy to exercise but she's not and she deserves better.

Ed:  what about golf?

It's obviously still just an unimaginative way to spoil a good walk and it's not even close to exercise as you can readily assess by reviewing his physical form.  If that's what golf does to you then what better reason do you need to avoid it in your life and why do you think they keep that boring crap out of the Olympics.

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