Friday, May 12, 2017

"Up in Smoke" | Cheech and Chong | Funniest Scene Uncut

Life in the Sixties really was just like this.  We were just completely whacked out wasted all the time.

That's true, mates ... right?  (wink, wink)

But there was the time when the cop pulled me over as was often their wont to do and I was in a recreational state.  When he checked out my drivers license, he asked my age.  I got the answer wrong but he helped me and suggested the right answer.

Things were unusual, my brothers.

And then there was that carload of freaks who were trippin' balls and the cop asked why they were off the road so they told him it was the snow on the windshield.  Tip:  this was in July and the windshield was just dirty.

There's that joy of blowing up the Interstate to Michigan for the Super Bowl and I do mean blowing since an Unidentified Perp and I were blowin' the ganja nonstop and tootin' one line after the other of la coca.  We didn't get stopped for that one and we would still be in jail if we were.

Unidentified Perp:  that was the year of the Freezer Bowl when all the North went Ice Age.  It was too fuckin' cold for Frank the Buster.

Still laughing about it

Unidentified Perp:  that's because you're a criminal, see

Well, yeah, but I ain't worth bustin' now so they don't bother.  The headline would be such a cracker, tho:  Fort Worth Veteran Riddled with Cancer Was Busted Today for Possession of Marijuana.

That glory will make any cop swoon, huh (larfs).

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