Saturday, May 6, 2017

Eventually the Galaxy Guitar Had to Get Back into the Game

The Galaxy Guitar tuned up briskly so she was definitely wanting to play since I hadn't even touched her for about five weeks.

There were some chord changes which got me going as part of the situational vibe from when things started getting insane.  The chords are gentle and feel right for the time and today got into some extensions which felt right with the originals so it's definitely more happening.

This is an Yevette song and it's not a song for thinking about love but thinking about life which really is thinking about love but not quite in the same way.

There were casualties since I went back to the synth to try again to get some sound out of it but no sausages.  It gets power and changing cables doesn't make any difference.  It wouldn't be a practical expense to fix since already there are several broken keys.  There's an outside chance that could be fixed by cleaning up the electronics inside but there's almost zero chance that will repair an audio problem.  That means a card which means significant dollars.

The synth was down to a grand when I got it and that was over eight years ago.  I don't see a payoff in sending it to the shop.

It gets better since the power brick for the primary looper has also failed and that one is definite since I have another brick for the spare looper so the primary is working again but I'm one brick down.  Those aren't terribly expensive but it's still a bite.

Although the fact of the casualties mightily sucks, that doesn't dim the glow from something which needs a better name than "The Yevette Song" and when it obviously is that it needs to be more something.

The possible salvation is finding a used synth on eBay with not such a wide-range keyboard but with enough voices and capabilities for screwing with them to make it interesting.  That may not be so terribly much but I feel like shopping about as much as eating chocolate-covered ants.

Note:  what is the situation with chocolate-covered ants.  Surely the chocolate makes the ant almost undetectable so what's the point?

Put that on the long list of Things We Really Don't Need to Know.

For another on that list, a golf ball goes about 170 mph when you whack it.  You're welcome.

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