Thursday, May 18, 2017

Bernie Sanders Rolled Over Again so Put the Lid on Congress

First Bernie Sanders rolled over for Hillary Clinton and she promptly betrayed him while copying at least some of his moves.  Now he's rolled over for the Congressional witch hunt by explaining, noooo, how could you think it's a witch hunt?

It is a fucking witch hunt, Bernie, and you're not doing your fucking job of leading Our Revolution while you play this idiot peek-a-boo with Russians.  In case you hadn't noticed, the only ones playing are the other yahoos in Congress and Russia doesn't give a fuck.

Put the lid on Congress and push it off the gangplank.  If they ever do awaken again, they will probably just shut the government down again when Nancy Pelosi switches to Ted Cruz style so we're better off if Congress just isn't there since, wtf, they're completely vacant anyway.

Congress has become much like the cast of "The Expendables" since here are all the actors you thought were already dead.

There's Chuck Norris ... who knew?

Ed:  he turned far right and people stopped listening to him

OK, how about Schwarzenegger after his last facelift.  He looks like he wants to shoot up a nursing home.


Anonymous said...

Just another politician that fooled you again

Unknown said...

He got fooled which makes him human. That Washington never stops fooling makes them something other than human.