Monday, January 23, 2017

What Difference is a Woman Supposed to Make

There is no clickbait and it's a fair question since I saw with people expecting something different from Obama presumably because he is black.  I also saw he committed more war crimes in the Middle East than George Bush and yet I see a differential in the reaction; Bush got hammered for his amorality while Obama got a Nobel Prize.

There was a differential, alright, but it had nothing to do with the faithful execution of the laws of the land since both violated them egregiously with their policies in the Middle East.

Note:  the Rockhouse is not interested in Congressional constructs which (wink, wink) make it legal for just this time to kill everyone you see in any particular country.

Merkel has made a heroic effort toward fair treatment of refugees which were unfairly dumped on Germany by America due to the Middle East warring.  We therefore hold here in high regard since there's no apparent evidence of corruption and it will likely cost her the job for her personal sacrifice she made for the refugees.

With Hillary Clinton, there was abundant corruption with she and Bill Clinton in amassing an immense fortune in their post-Presidency years and the railroading in the election with superdelegates was blatant as well.  Guilty.

Theresa May shows a similar corruption to Clinton when there's evidence of her duplicity in failing to release the information about the Trident nuclear missile launch from one of their nuke subs which went awry and headed for America.  Suppression of that information was specifically due to a vote pending on whether to renew these weapons.  Guilty and even worse than Clinton.

At the bottom is Marine Le Pen who is as far right with nationalism as one can get without calling out the brown shirts to bring Fascism fully to life.  We have seen how historically that kind of thinking has been a threat to all humanity.

All in all, the current women leaders get a fail overall since Merkel's excellence isn't sufficient to raise the others on average.

What difference is a woman supposed to make and what difference is a black man to make.  If you have any cogent statement in this context, feel free to make it; if you troll me then you waste your time since Ithaka is moderated and that comment will never see daylight.  Here in Ithaka, it really is a democracy where everyone has a right to speak and there's no way to know if you're a man, woman, or space alien from afar.

In one aspect I observe no difference whatsoever for man / woman / black / white and this is in the context of unqualified endorsement for the CIA.  That's a fail for all of them.

The question stands regarding the CIA since the only variable in trafficking is how much weight can you deliver.  We have reviewed previously how it takes a ton or more of heroin to supply the needs of America's addicts every day and more comes into the country all the time as we see with the rapidly increasing rates of addiction.  At least a ton or more of cocaine comes into the country as well to supply the never-ending coke wars on the streets.

Every so often we see the Coast Guard has busted a cartel-owned submarine with, say, six or seven tons of cocaine.  That seems spectacular but it's only a week's supply for the country.  It probably takes a couple of days each way for the sub to get from South America to some U.S. destination.  Adding loading / unloading time and it probably takes a week to deliver the merchandise, after which time it would immediately have to go back out again.

They hardly ever get stopped despite an enormous effort toward interdiction.

Why not?

No-one but the government can get that kind of weight across the borders and that means the CIA knows about it or the CIA is doing it with their own aircraft.

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