Tuesday, January 10, 2017

"Jesus Use Me" - The Faith Tones

At first this seems a Photoshop parody of Southern Baptists but they were real and, like all good things, started out in the Sixties.  There's something of a Faith Tones cult out there with people trying to validate whether they existed and what they actually did.  One fellow was kind of extreme about it but he found all kinds of information on them.  (Blogger:  I Laugh, Therefore, I AM)

It turns out the one on the left was the gay one, the one in the middle was the crazy one, and the one with glasses is the tragic one.  That was because she had dedicated her life to helping disabled children.  After some years, love found her but she died from complications in the pregnancy.

Ed:  you're really not going to mock them?

Nah, I've got no reason.  They loved their music and did surprisingly well with it, long before there was AutoTune, samplers, or synths which can pull up the entire Mozart catalog from memory.

The Big Hair looks ridiculous but I really don't think it's any more or less ridiculous than the Big Hair Eighties.  From there we have evolved to the No Hair Millennium so I see zero evidence anyone has any idea what to do with his or her hair.

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