Monday, January 2, 2017

Fake News: Washington Post Russian Hacking Edition

There's been recent hubbub about Russian hacking of the American power grid and, woe to us, my children, we are so fucked now.

It didn't happen, however.  (RT:  Facts force Washington Post to backtrack on report that Russia hacked US power grid)

The retraction isn't all that interesting since the story was obvious hogwash from the start but the retraction becomes interesting insofar as it continues clinging to the idea of Russian hacking, still without one scintilla of evidence.  (Washington Post:  Russian operation hacked a Vermont utility, showing risk to U.S. electrical grid security, officials say)

WP is so unbelievably brazen about it ...

While the Russians did not actively use the code to disrupt operations, according to officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss a security matter, the discovery underscores the vulnerabilities of the nation’s electrical grid. And it raises fears in the U.S. government that Russian government hackers are actively trying to penetrate the grid to carry out potential attacks.

- WP

In short, zero evidence.  'It raises fears' but you can scare those fools with shadow puppets.

Ed:  Washington Post IS the shadow puppet!

Remarkable perspicacity, Watson

The same phenomenon is ubiquitous in MSM news since all are protesting 'fake news' but all claim the other outfit is doing it.  For decades this has been called the sowing of FUD (i.e. Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt) but it's never been so brazen.

Ed:  psychologists call it 'case building'

Yep, same thing.  It doesn't need logic, it only needs a loud enough voice.

Ed:  do we need a sequel to Why Are People So Gullible?

To blow up volleyballs

Bill Cosby said that's why there is air but it turned out Cosby really believes air is so he can rape women he has drugged so we don't like his definition anymore.

Ed:  do we need an editorial on what kind of limpdick has to drug a woman for sex?

I tell you what, cabron, I don't want to know.  Some seem to seek to rationalize it by saying it's the same as getting a woman drunk but that alcoholic state is a collaborative conspiracy.  She knows she will do something stupid if she drinks and she gives herself permission with the alcohol.

Ed:  it's still rape if the boy takes advantage!

Of course and it is rape but the flaw is the girl has given herself permission to do something stupid while she relies on the boy to retain his common sense.  Ain't no kind of sense in that.

Ed:  so what drugged America?

Well, it sure as hell wasn't ganja since you will be hard-pressed to find any more heretical than I, at least from the standpoint of the state.  My general theory is alcohol and pain pills are doing it but I have no evidence and that's just a hunch.  Unknown if I will get obsessive enough to pursue it.

Ed:  that's like a charge of Russian hacking!

Yah but I told you straight-up it may be crap.  It might not be but that will need some research.

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