Monday, January 2, 2017

Donald Trump and his Laughable Inauguration

Donald Trump and nonliberals in general don't understand and are annoyed over the almost total boycott of the Inauguration by every reputable artist on the planet.  In part that's due to prosaic spitefulness in an attempt to repay Trump for using the Russians to rig the election.  That calumniation been shown time and again to be false but that doesn't stop neoliberals from believing it.

Ed:  do we need to review again how neoliberals are wasting the world's oxygen by continuing to breathe it?

Nah, no need.  Everyone knows it but they.

There's the hope the artist boycott is based on more than simple ignorance regarding Russian hacking and is actually based on populist principles.  For example, expecting musicians to play in accompaniment to destroying Social Security and MEDICARE programs for the people is absurdity; musicians are the people and that accompaniment will never happen.  No American would ever do that and the best Trump will ever do for a band is Ted Cruz with a kazoo since he lusts for destroying things.

Trump has wrung his tiny hands a bit about unifying America but there's no chance it will ever happen when he doesn't do anything for the people.  It's really not clear how his narcissistic psyche will handle it when he realizes he's one of the most hated Presidents in American history.

Ed:  maybe that's the same reason Obama went full berserker in his foreign policy?

Maybe so as he never achieved anything positive in domestic policy and he's been obsessed with a legacy lately since apparently he thinks he gets to write it rather than historians.  Once again, he's wrong.

More likely, Obama will be reviewed as a President in the context of his pushing of NDAA, Patriot Act, and other acts of domestic terrorism which have been used to subjugate Americans to the will of the state.  Neoliberals seem to have forgotten the nation-wide effort to wipe out Occupy Wall Street which even extended to using Mace on unarmed college girls.  Obama will be remembered, alright, but not as he hopes.

Besides, maybe some of you have seen Trump's New York City apartment and that made it garishly evident Trump has never been near any kind of an artist in his life.  It's the all-time shrine to the shallowness of the nouveau riche but, beyond that, it's an utter eyesore.

Oh, the humanity ... and complete with glass tables.  Gad.

Ed:  all that space just for four power chairs and only one was probably ever used.

Roger that

We have observed a healthy contempt for the CIA from Donald Trump but it's difficult to tell if that's based on knowledge of the evil missions the CIA has historically conducted or on a cult of personality with Putin.  While the latter works better than anything Obama was doing in preventing us from getting radioactive, it's not clear if he does it for the right reasons.

Ed:  the right reasons are?

Full awareness of the CIA's criminality and rejection of their overt intimidation of the state.  George Bush and Barack Obama clung to CIA legitimacy like Linus held his towel but no WMDs were ever found and we already know how the so-called Russian hacking of the DNC took place after Julian Assange revealed where WIKILeaks got the emails (i.e. internal DNC leak).  The Russians had nothing to do with it.

There's some comedy as likely some recall how Democrats, except for the Clintons, screamed about false claims by the CIA of WMDs in Iraq.  The WMDs were nothing more than another malevolent CIA fantasy and yet the same Democrats now scream about the horror of CIA-revealed Russian hacking as if in the intervening eight years the CIA magically acquired a sense of honesty.

Ed:  that's not comedy, it's absurdity!

Fair enough

Ed:  so what's the gen?

The Inauguration won't have a beat and you won't be able to dance to it.

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