Saturday, October 17, 2015

The Part of Satan Will Be Played Tonight by Silas Scarborough

No, it won't because Satan is so eighties, man.  There were all those bands like Megadeth, Stab You in the Eye, and Complete Musical Bullshit playing all this God is crap kind of stuff but they never got it that no-one gives a shit what they think about God.

So we won't be needing Scarborough tonight.  Go jerk off with yer Galaxy Guitar, Music Boy.

Silas:  hey, fuck ya.

Us:  fuhgedaboudit

And so begins our show this evening ... or it would have if we did what we said we would do weeks ago and interview Satan to tell him what a piss poor job he does.  The idea would work but the camera is intimidating if you're not accustomed to making videos so Yevette will hold off on that for a while.

Silas:  hey, fuckin' Satan made her do that.

Us:  Um, Silas.  She didn't do anything.

Silas:  OK, so Satan made her not do it.  And fuck ya.

Us:  fuhgedaboudit

So, we could bring you the Satan show ... but ... we would have to bring hair bands too and I know you don't want that.

Silas:  they were the eighties equivalent of sixties bubblegum bands.

Us:  You liked them (smirk).

Silas:  no way in hell.  We will stuff some of this sweet cherry pie in yer yappin' pie hole and, hey, fuck ya.

Us:  fuhgedaboudit

So, we're looking for the presence of Satan but, wtf, he's a lot like Clinton who is also always late.

Silas:  that was cheap

Us:  Hey, uh, Big Spender ... did you pay an admission charge??

Silas:  hey, fuck ya.

Now I'm hearing that fucking "Cherry Pie" song.  Satan did that.  It had to have been him.  Damn you to Hell, Satan!

Silas:  he's already in Hell.

Fuck ya.

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