Friday, October 9, 2015

Paul Ryan Hasn't Had a Future for Years - There's a Great House Speaker

Paul Ryan came up with some idiotic budget plans a few years ago but he says he accepts his incompetence and inability to solve problems effectively.  Even though Republicans didn't support my ridiculous budgets and they probably won't support me now, I believe I can speak for the House.

(Ed:  why?)

No-one listens to the House anyway.  Until the Senate starts talking about something, it's just rabble-rousing from the House.  They're the ones who want to build flying saucers and get in touch with the Mole People who live inside the planet.

Ryan said proudly, "The United States House of Representatives has come up with more half-baked legislation, more theatrics to no purpose, and more political graft than the New York Mafia.  I'm proud to be a part of that and I offer my services as Don, I mean, House Speaker."

(Ed:  you can't be Mafia, you're not even Sicilian)

No and neither is Ted Cruz but the Mafia took him too.

(Ed:  why?)

Those Sicilians turned into such bleeding hearts and they have taken in thousands of refugees.  The Mafia chieftains turned noble and that caused a shortage of pure-blood Sicilians so they had to start to accept people like Cruz and I.  If it gets any worse, they may even invite Marco Rubio.

(Ed:  what about Trump and Huckabee?)

Leave them in Kentucky.  No-one wants them.

(Ed:  or Fiorina?)

She's never been elected to anything and she's obviously mean.  She's too old to be a comfort girl so send her to Kentucky too.

Tune in tomorrow for another episode of "As the Republican World Turns"


Anonymous said...

No one is stepping up asking for the job.
It is a loser everyway you look at it Since the GOP is so fractured

Unknown said...

I seriously think the GOP needs a strong Eisenhower / Goldwater type to step up to excommunicate the Tea Party. It's become a millstone around the neck of everyone in the country. You can't deal with it so the only thing left is to push it overboard. When it won't negotiate, let's see how well it can swim.

Anonymous said...

We need a Tea Party but one that knows how to wheel and deal to make something happen that actually matters

Unknown said...

The Tea Party will need some new parties as the current crew is a political wrecking ball.