Friday, October 9, 2015

The Marshall Plan, Interdiction, and Refugees in the Soup - Updated WIKI Links

There was recent news of military vessels interdicting human trafficking originating out of Africa or the Middle East which is a means of closing borders without making headlines about it as happened with Hungary and may soon happen with Bavaria as well.  The interdiction means refugees won't get sent back home because it won't be likely they can escape it.

The wave of refugees sweeping out of Middle East and Africa is estimated to be the biggest since the waves of refugees at the end of World War II.  The fundamental difference is the United States was prosperous at the end of the war and part of that manifested as the Marshall Plan which was the provision of economic assistance to rebuild in Germany and Europe.

As it is taught in the U.S., the Marshall Plan and, presumably the same or an additional plan with Japan, were, in effect, instruments of peace with aid to both countries to help recovery.  The result was two of the strongest economies in the world.  That's the textbook version and reality may differ.

The fundamental point remains the same:  it existed then and does not exist now.

Meanwhile it's observed the U.S. takes more refugees than anywhere else.  That may be true if refugees from Central and South America are regarded as refugees but there's one tiny problem with that.  Americans do not regard them as refugees but rather rapists and thieves, as we have been seeing repeatedly from Donald Trump and is received to tumultuous applause.

The U.S. border with Mexico is no different from that of Hungary, assuming people crossing it really are refugees as opposed to economic opportunists as is claimed by the extreme right.  The reaction of people in America to the closing of Hungary's borders was shocked horror.  As we see here in America, the standard is not the same and you can see it any time on the border with Mexico.  There is no shocked horror at closing it.

The same situation exists with Mexico as with Europe and the waves of Europe over there insofar as America does little about it except to complain.  Where previously there was generosity, effectively applied (i.e. Marshall Plan , now there is mindless politically-motivated rancor which typically exacerbates the problem rather than ameliorating it.  The rancor doesn't stop anything and neither will Trump's silly-ass wall as refugees will only go around it ... and that's when they will end up in the soup.

America claims it will accept a million or so refugees from the Middle East but makes no provision of any kind for them to get here.  The talk is cheap and, thus far, results in nothing whatsoever.

(Ed:  America should simply open its pockets for the world to pick?)

No.  America should review what is most effective toward solving a problem and then fucking get on with it.  Politicians talk while people are dying.  Right this minute they die.

Russia showed how to do it, again, in Syria.  If you want to kill some motherfuckers then go in there, do it and go home.  Meanwhile, America bombs a hospital.  How many lessons does it take before America gets some sense and gets out from where it does not belong.  That hasn't solved the problem but rather has made it worse.

The government won't stop and it may not even remember how.  It's on you to do this.

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