Saturday, October 10, 2015

Need a Party Like When The Pill First Came Out

The release of the birth control pill in the early sixties started a party which was a blazing forest fire for at least twenty years and which still continues in various ways today.  Many people said the party came from the dope but that had always been present.  Gene Krupa got busted for reefer back in the swing days in the thirties, there was always dope.  The change was The Pill and what a hell of a party to celebrate.

LSD was relatively new but the hallucinogenic mushrooms had been known and used for millennia.  The drugs had been there all along and were not a new discovery.

The Hangover was Reagan but we know that long, sad story.  What we need now is another Pill, some kind of revolutionary something which starts another party.  It doesn't have to be another sex party although the last one was pretty damn good.

If you were a Zeke before you became a freak then you would only become a freaky Zeke but the sixties gave a better chance for even Zekes to get laid.

Puritans will tell you the world went to shit from all that decadent fucking but we have only one answer to that:  they need to speak less and fuck more.

Ask any old fucker what he should have done.  He should have fucked more.  Some of you become aware of this but what do you do??  You read this blog instead of fucking.  Go forth and fuck ... a lot.

But the sixties opened a whole lot more than that.  The Pill permitted an openness about pregnancy and sex which had never before been possible and that openness extended to all kinds of things.  Add dope to that mix and things expanded beyond any dreams.

It's not just Kozmik Krapola as some of you saw it happen.  It wasn't drugs or sex although they were highly excellent but rather a gigantic resentment against The Establishment.  It was one of the greatest periods of questioning authority I've ever seen.

We need more of that, a whole lot more of that.  People accept many things without question but they need to be questioned.  That happens in-between times until something sparks it off again.  Edward Snowden raised all kinds of pertinent questions so they want to put him in jail for it.  No-one would have stood for that in the sixties or rather they would ... people would have been on the streets about it.

It's not that the sixties were so exceptional but rather this time is not so what cracks it out of this malaise.  Sure as hell it will come as something always does but the thing people predict most is a violent revolution.  That kind of dramatic is much less likely than something no-one expects.  That doesn't mean some horrible disease will kill us all but rather something is invented or devised which is so fascinating to us that other things become immaterial.

There are insanely-cool inventions happening all the time but none of them have been all that captivating.  Some insanely-brilliant physicists came up with a way to make a tank invisible.  Sure, that's a nice trick but really good magicians have even made the Statue of Liberty disappear.  It's just not that cool when physicists do it.

The advent of home computers made for another blowout but the kind of sex party from it doesn't even come close to the sixties.  Hot tip on that, Dagwood:  porno doesn't count.

Computers weren't that hot but they did score for a revolution.  It doesn't even have to be an invention as back in maybe the Thirteenth Century entire villages and towns would break into a Dancing Frenzy.  Everyone would do it until they dropped from exhaustion.  No-one has any idea what caused it or why it stopped.  Revolutions can come from any direction and seem most unusual to observe.  Whatever it is, I'm sure we will be surprised by it.  That's part of what makes it so cool.

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