Saturday, October 10, 2015

Guns to Shoot Down Drones and Other Fantasies of the NRA

Most of the fantasies from NRA gunners are not anything we want to know but one of their favorites is their little AK-47s and popgun hand-held weapons will defend against an overbearing government.

The idea they even could defend against it is patently ludicrous and the evidence is clear in the Middle East where, for fifteen years, the full weight of the U.S. military has got precisely ... nowhere.

The U.S. military has come to a complete stall in the theater and it's been held off by a crew of untrained rebels in Toyota pickup trucks who relentlessly wave their AK-47s at the Universe.

It's not clear what example the NRA wants out of the Middle East as it definitely demonstrates hand weapons can stall the military but they sure as hell are not anywhere closer to evicting the U.S. than they were fifteen years ago.  Neither side developed any particular intelligence about it in that time but, in that audience, no-one would expect intelligence anyway.  It doesn't take the first string to deal with such an order as 'if it moves, shoot it.'

Hand weapons are credited with chasing the U.S. military out of Vietnam but they aren't what did it.  The American public didn't have the stomach for the endless parade of body bags from Vietnam and there was no support for what they were trying to do, largely because the military didn't know what it was trying to do.  They knew they wanted to waste the Viet Cong but they didn't have the first glimmering of an idea of what they would do if they accomplished that.  You can see the proof of that in the Middle East where the U.S. has knocked down one government after the other and replaced it with ... chaos, puppet leaders, and more instability.

As to other fantasies held by NRA gunners.  We really do NOT want to fookin' know.  Judging by the number of porky fat bodies waving AR-15s in selfies, they fantasize a lot, usually surrounded by guns.

Yesterday there was a two-for-one-sale in school shootings.  Of course the answer is to get more guns as two aren't enough for a trifecta.  Let's go for three school shootings in a day.  America has averaged over one every week all year so it's obviously possible.  With over two hundred million guns in private hands in the U.S., it's easily achievable.

Buy those guns.  Let's kill some motherfuckers.  But don't tell me you're defending freedom or the Constitution.  They piss on your phony pretensions and a single drone strike will blow you, your teenie li'l winkie, and your AK-47 to disassociated atomic elements.

Fuck you and fuck Ben Carson, the most blazing racist in recent memory with his casual and oh-so-glib dismissal of the Holocaust in saying it could have been prevented if Jews had more guns.  Apparently the self-appointed Presidential genius of our times thinks Jews did not have the will, did not have the backbone to stand-up, and did not fight.  Fuck him with a goddamn chainsaw in the ass for his arrogance.

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