Friday, October 23, 2015

Democrat Would Vote for Trump Rather Than Clinton

Maybe it's shocking when a flaming far left Socialist would select Donald Trump rather than Hillary Clinton but the reason is immediate:  he does not or did not have a super PAC and therefore is not beholden to corporate interests to anywhere near the extent of Hillary Clinton.  It isn't the unlikeability of Clinton even though she's so unlikeable she even managed to pass that on to Chelsea Clinton who is equally unlikeable.  The fact is she is corrupt to the core and you saw that with her dancing about the TransPacific Partnership.  She will say whatever she is paid to say.

Perhaps you don't recall the job Chelsea Clinton was given with one of the primary television channels for which she was paid at least $600K and it might have been $900K (i.e. look it up for yourself as it won't be hard to find).  She made hardly any appearances on television and the sinecure last, at most, a year.

Without selling political favors, that woman has no act. and neither does the kid.

Equal time for other poll sluts:  the way Bristol Palin got a gig on "Dancing with the Stars" was right up there with Chelsea Clinton and it was, in some ways, even more slutty since Palin had already made big bucks from playing the waiting-for-marriage type but that was before or after dropping one kid she couldn't afford and the money from the teen abstinence people (whatever it was) continued until, what do you know, she dropped another one.

These people talk frequently of others losing a 'moral compass' but how would these hypocritical leeches even know.

Trump is an asshole but he's not the one who has been making paid promises to every corporate stooge in Washington.

In reality, if it came down to Trump versus Clinton, I would not even turn out to vote.  There would be no reason.  Either one is a loser but in different ways.

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