Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Clinton's Doubletalk Pisses Me Off More and More

Yesterday Clinton talked frequently of 'getting things done' but, let's review:  what did she ever get done.  She tried to roll out her version of the Affordable Care Act back at the start of Bill Clinton's administration and that was commendable ... but it failed completely after the GOP crucified her for it.

The only thing Hillary Clinton has ever been good at doing is raising money and she has a superlative talent for that.  She dodged multiple times last night the fact she has billionaire sponsors (i.e. owners) and she multiple times dodged dealing with big money interests.  That she's slick only makes her an Artful Dodger, it doesn't make her Presidential material.

Clinton is another example of a would-be politician turning the campaign into a game show.  As Fiorina said, it doesn't matter what campaigning politicians say and that's because Fiorina has lied brazenly, particularly about Planned Parenthood.  Clinton knows well the politics of deflection and she showed that by trying to deny she is a Washington insider.  What utter rubbish.  She couldn't get any deeper into it if she were found in the wreck of the Titanic.

The Boob Confoundation is a problem as many need to put boobs in the White House even if there is a duplicitous brain attached to them.  Fiorina got more attention than she deserved when she's obviously a heartless, soul-killing horror but she gets passed off as Presidential matter and the same sub-standard values are used with Clinton.  She not only didn't object but tried to play it several times.

The cheapest of all of Clinton's dodges was when she played multiple times on 'God-given rights' as this is exactly what Goldwater warned to Republicans:  don't let them take over.  There was no need for Clinton to say anything about God but she just had to get that into the mix as maybe it gets her a few votes.  Here at the Rockhouse, we hope that cheap stunt cost her a lot of them.  Out here in the real world where's little food and even less medicine, we don't listen to some bitch with buzz words; we want real answers.

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