Wednesday, October 14, 2015

NBC Turns Stephen Colbert's Balls into a Hood Ornament

One of the biggest tragedies of the election has been the way Stephen Colbert has failed to be any kind of a useful part of it and the hallmark of that was when he practically offered Donald Trump a blow job on his show.  It was one of the most embarrassing reversals in some time as he brought a lot of promise from The Comedy Channel ... and didn't deliver any of it.

This was always the problem with network television as it guts anything which goes near it and it looks like Stephen Colbert's balls are the latest for NBC to turn into fuzzy dice to hang from the car's review mirror.

(Ed:  which is it?  His balls are a hood ornament or fuzzy dice?)

It doesn't matter as his only future prospect now is to form a dance team with Caitlyn Jenner.

(Ed:  Jenner can't dance)

Well, I guess Colbert is just plain fucked then.

There's never been a more blazing example of 'fear is the mindkiller' as Colbert has a sharp mind but the network money and lights turned it into putty.  He should get the hell out of there or he will wake up twenty years from now and no-one will remember a word he said.  He had an important voice previously but he let them turn it into mainstream mediocrity.  Damn shame.

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