Monday, September 21, 2015

"Waiting for You" - Why Did You Not Record That

Sleeping didn't work so, what else, play.

That went on for probably thirty minutes with "Waiting for You" which is a weak title as it seems like a love song ... which it is ... but this is my look at the Rainbow Bridge which has nothing to do with death but rather is beyond it.  The Rainbow Bridge is what's waiting for you and that's for everyone.

There are three parts to the song as the first is a grandiose synthy bit with fat Moody Blues chords although it's not a Mellotron.  That is the intro for four bars and it's brief.  It goes to the IBB (i.e. In-Between Bit) which is somewhat rambly but there's a reason because we're wondering around all lost and this goes into that time.  That breaks to the main chords and that's where the hook comes two bars into it.

Come, cross the bridge
It's waiting for you
It's a rainbow you can feel
It's waiting for you

The 'waiting for you' is in descending 1/8th notes and it's simple but a hook usually will be.  It works on me and it works on Yevette as I told her after the session that one would do it for loud for this day.  She asked if I had recorded it.  When I said I had not, her response was an emphatic, "Damn, Alan" (with the implied, it was really dumb not to record it).

That was sweet and it was encouraging.  I told her it wasn't my purpose as it's not ready yet.  The lyrics are too vague and I don't want to be uploading different versions of it.  This has to meet the standard before hitting the record button and this isn't about being precious, it's about getting it right.

The song is at sixty beats per minute which is about half a 'regular song' and, if you count off 1-2-3-4 and snap your fingers, you will probably do that at about one twenty beats per minute.  At sixty bpm, it's funereal, an anthem, a whole lot of heavy things.  That either breaks ponderous or beautiful since there isn't much in-between.

This is about a Rainbow Bridge and Purple Rain and music which makes girls cry.  If I really hit it right, it will make me cry too.  It's not about being sad or happy but rather it's so beautiful you just can't hold that inside and why try to do that anyway.  Let it rip.  Just don't stop playing.  Don't stop breathing.

There's a troubling death association with the Rainbow Bridge but my logic is what I see cannot possibly be Heaven because I am not dead.  Therefore what I see has nothing to do with death.  This is much more with Cavafy in going back to Ithaka as, sure, you'll get there eventually but the importance is what happens on the journey.  My view of the Rainbow Bridge is it's part of the journey rather than the end of it.

It may need a different metaphor as the Rainbow Bridge is something you can cross in both directions.  It's my truth as I do it all the time.  That's the music as it's the only way I know to get there.  It's like any good vacation in which you don't want to go back so the song runs much too long but for now that's ok, it's such a trip being there.  If this goes live for ten minutes then it's too long.  Drag the vacation out too long and you'll start hearing, "Vinnie, I thought we were gonna go to Cancun this year instead of this rat trap."

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