Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Freedom is Just Another Word for Nothing Left but ... Contentiousness

Cadillac Man called last night or maybe I called him and I was more contentious than is normal between us.  That I attribute to extraordinary tiredness from the travails of the previous twenty-four.

There is deep frosting in me regarding the candidates in 2016 and part of the reason is there's been no cessation in the public coverage they get.  The Guardian has been publishing an excuse per day from Hillary Clinton's estimable book so, even after almost a year what possible reason is there to give her such a spotlight.

Even Russia Today had a large blurb on her today.  It hasn't been their nature to slash her any more than it has been with Trump but the New York Times is quoted.

The New York Times’ review admits there is nothing new about the campaign in the book, but it does tell a story of what it is like running as a female nominee for the president of the United States, “a first in American history.”

“It is worth reading,” writes Times critic Jennifer Senior. “Winning by the popular vote by nearly 3 million may not have been enough to shatter the country’s highest, hardest glass ceiling. But it seems to have 2,864,974 extra cracks in Clinton’s reserve.”

It's appalling that defensiveness still exists for a kind of feminism which wasn't real in the first place and that's part of the damage from the unwarranted attention for some who does nothing for the country except hustle for speaking fees.

Another who failed is Steve Bannon yet he has been trying to cover himself with false glory to absolve himself of any guilt for the chaos in the White House where he was ostensibly the Chief Strategist.  The job wasn't really a sinecure and he worked hard for his racist dollars.  No, no, I'm an honest man ... and a smart one at that.

Zen Yogi:  fire the obligatory stink shot at him?

Nah, he's not worth it and that's why I get drilled when I see him being lauded all over the place for failure.  He's just another Bircher after almost seventy years of them.

Note:  John Birch Society started in the 50s or earlier and their favorite slogan for their billboards was, "Get US Out of the United Nations."

Zen Yogi:  it's how remarkable how things do not change in almost seventy years.

Cadillac Man has high regard for Charlie Rose and I trust his judgment but I rarely watch any television so I don't know much more than Rose seems to be a straight-up fellow.  Cadillac Man said Rose's reputation warranted listening to his discussion with Steve Bannon and this is where the talk went somewhere between contentious and cantankerous since I refuse to accept the spotlighting of the people who made such a disaster of the 2016 election and are proud of it.

It was the same with Jane Pauley's interview with Hillary Clinton when there are vastly bigger problems in the world which relegate Clinton's hurt feelings over the loss to the pile for the unutterably trivial.  Also, if Clinton is not hustling for something, why does she need a Web site.

Zen Yogi:  no courtesy link?

No chance.

There was another example of the damage Clinton and Centrists like her have done.  Nancy Pelosi refused either yesteday or this morning to support Bernie Sanders' Medicare-for-All plan and that follows the specific Clinton model of catering to Big Med / Big Pharma rather than the needs of the people.  That half of the people don't believe they need such a plan is irrelevant to the fact the other half of us most certainly do.

It's all part of the endless delusion in which they insult us constantly with constant lies while simultaneously presenting themselves as vestal virgins.  It's simply unacceptable for any type of mature discourse on anything.

Part of the talk last night was over the premise if you ask most Americans what freedom means they won't know.  One thing the Rockhouse knows for sure is the loss of any ability to be contentious is a clear loss of freedom.  A great many efforts are being made to curtail that freedom (e.g. censoring Russia Today, etc) but the fact remains Ithaka lives and I won't ever throw rose petals before the Establishment to curry favor or whatever other trivial things I may fancy.

Zen Yogi:  what is freedom to you, Silas?

When I'm free to live my life unmolested by the state or anyone else while I do whatever I may choose to do so long as it's not hurtful to anyone else.

Zen Yogi:  that's all?

That's everything, mate.

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