Friday, August 18, 2017

Zen Yogi and the Li'l Baby Fascists

How do you like my little poem, Yogi?  You can sing that to the tune of the Oscar Mayer jingle from "Demolition Man" with Sylvester Stallone and Sandra Bullock.

I wanna be a li'l baby Fascist
this is what I really wanna be
'cos if I were a li'l baby Fascist
everyone would be in love with me

- Oscar Mayer

Zen Yogi:  in my considered judgment as a Zen Master, I have to say that's one really shitty poem, Silas

Well, thanks for that, Yogi.  I get creative sometimes, you know?

Zen Yogi:  how about if you creatively consider getting off your dead ass to get up and play the Galaxy Guitar.  Don't be telling me it hurts.  Everybody fucking hurts.  Welcome to the fucking world.

I will, Boss, for real, but not just now.  I do know "I Love Rats" has to live again but there will be nothing left of me except a dirty t-shirt after blasting through that.  Even so, what more perfect time to beseech the world to accept my dear love of rats.  I do love the song since that one, for me, was the best for the Patent Absurdity of Things.

Zen Yogi:  they don't get cooler from the capital letters

Nah but they look cooler and style is important.  You wouldn't steal a pic-a-nic basket if you were not wearing your Fedora, right?

Zen Yogi:  actually, I have ... but then I picked the Fedora back up again and ran away

Zen Yogi:  you will have to get cracking on something other than biliously bombastic blarney or we will have to replace you with a simulacrum, an AI Robo

No way

Zen Yogi:  easy way since we know the Biology better than you, much better than you, and there is nothing in human capability or human behavior we cannot duplicate.  We found there are many counterproductive neural circuits so, naturally, we eliminated those and the result is a kinder, more compassionate being.


Zen Yogi:  Easy.  Making a better human isn't just simple, it's effortless.  Take a look around from Drumpf, the Aryan Lord of the Master Race, to some guy who works in a hot dog stand while he screeches about white power.  We don't need advanced circuitry to build better beings than that; we only need a Furby to weaponize it.

You're telling me you're an AI Robo, Yogi?

Zen Yogi:  no, Silas.  I'm saying you are.

It makes me feel like singing ...

I wanna be a li'l baby Fascist
this is what I really wanna be
'cos if I were a li'l baby Fascist
everyone would be in love with me

- Oscar Mayer

I'll call it "Until the Furbies Come."

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