Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Zen Yogi on the Book he Considers Writing

Zen Yogi:  here goes ... how about "Jonathan Livingston Seagull Meets President Flock of Seagulls?"

Just no, Yogi.

Zen Yogi:  so how about "The Most Dumbass Ways People Have Found to Kill themselves Taking Selfies."

Is there enough material for that, Yogi?

Zen Yogi:  there's enough material to fill an encyclopedia but I only want the best ones because it's what my readers expect

You have readers, Yogi?

Zen Yogi:  well, it's what my readers would expect if I had any readers

What leads you to believe anyone wants to see such a book, Yogi?

Zen Yogi:  it's because they keep doing it and today some Canucks tried that outstanding Canadian game of Train vs Mandroids Who Want Selfies so that ended up the way it usually does.

That's horrifying, Yogi.  Did any of them die?

Zen Yogi: no and that again illustrates Psalm LVII:  the Lord favors the Dumb Ass

That doesn't really tell you anyone wants to see a book, Yogi.  It only shows an extraordinary number of those who take selfies won't be showing up for evolution.

Zen Yogi:  there's not much evidence they showed up in the first place, Silas

This idea sucks, Yogi.

How about a nice book about buttercups, Yogi?

Zen Yogi:  who cares about buttercups?

Not many, Yogi, since they live in city hellzones and have never seen them but the book would still be good.

Zen Yogi:  why?

Because you could work the talk show tour to bitch about how these unwashed mechanified morons know nothing about buttercups.

Zen Yogi:  why would I enjoy that more than eating Brussels sprouts with strawberries on pasta, Silas?

You wouldn't but you could be soooo righteous about it.

Zen Yogi:  I don't think I want to write a book anymore, Silas

It's probably best, Yogi.

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