Monday, August 28, 2017

Zen Yogi and Silas Sit About Watching the #MarchOnWashington

Zen Yogi:  if this is important then I'm good with some marching.  It's your lazy ass which holds that back, Silas.

You're right, Yogi, since my broke-down marching bones aren't too march-y of late.

Zen Yogi:  were they when you were young?

Well, no, not with the Army telling me to do it.  Then marching becomes like synchronized swimming with guns.

Zen Yogi:  we have seen lots of marches and they hardly ever mean much so why is this one important?

It's the real populism for everyone, mate, and it's looking more like it did during the days of Vietnam protests when people decided enough is fucking enough.  You can see how the Establishment is afraid of the people since Fox, CNN, and The Guardian didn't even mention it.

Zen Yogi:  why didn't they mention it?

There has been no violence and they would have been all over it otherwise.

Zen Yogi:  the gunners didn't show?

No since their courage evaporates when they don't run in a gang.  You saw those pipsqueaks cryin' and denyin' after they were identified from Charlottesville.  They're some real fuckin' heroes of the Master Race.  You don't need a gun to break them since we can do it with the magic of cellphone camera technology.

Peace only comes when enough people want it, Yogi.

Zen Yogi:  I usually don't think about such things

Of course you don't since that's not necessary in Jellystone Park but it's looking like hope when so many stand up for it out here.

Zen Yogi:  do you believe them?

Every word, Brer Bear.  All of them were true when Martin Luther King said them fifty years ago.  He just didn't live long enough for him to see them realized.

Zen Yogi: you won't either

Fair enough but the March gives me reason to believe peace will come and there hasn't been a whole lot of reason to believe it in a long, long time.

Zen Yogi:  how do you know it's really sincere?

They have no burning torches nor do they have clubs, Yogi.  The squad of racist lunatics doing that sort of thing seeks to intimidate but the March on Washington seeks to communicate.

Zen Yogi:  does it mean all this much to you or or is this just writing for twisted amusement?

It's been in my heart since I first heard the words from MLK fifty years ago so, sure, it's real.  That may have been the important history in my life and the new words are the Future History.

Zen Yogi:  how does that work since my suspension of disbelief only goes so far

Peace is the only way anyone will ever see a Future History, mate.

Zen Yogi:  is that a threat since those never work

No, Yogi, since they're already fighting the wars and the consequence is obvious.  We the People want them to stop.

Zen Yogi:  do you really have this in your heart, Silas?

Well, technically, it must be zippy zapping around some neural circuits in my brain but that's not sexy.

Zen Yogi:  no, that's not sexy at all.

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