Friday, August 4, 2017

Why is Facebook So Hard to Resist #Science #Communications #Nonsense

Disclaimer:  the Rockhouse will be pleased to shred this bloody rubbish.

Send your thoughts and prayers to Mister Magoo in the hope he can break his addiction to booze and hookers.

Why is social media such a hard habit to break?

Because it makes us feel good, said Michigan State University's Allison Eden, assistant professor in the Department of Communication.

She and researchers from Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands, conducted two studies of frequent and less frequent Facebook users.

They found even brief exposure to a Facebook-related image (logo, screenshot) can cause a pleasurable response in frequent social media users, which in turn might trigger social media cravings. The combination of pleasant feelings and cravings makes social media too difficult to resist.

Science Daily:  Why Facebook is so hard to resist

The premise in the intro is people get turned on by those fucking endless cat videos and the typically superficial Facebook chat but we don't see anything about the size of the sample for this research.  Don't look for that information anywhere else in the article either and, thus far, it looks like the sample may have come from a troop of Campfire Girls, albeit a small one.

Look at the bright side since at least they didn't say it's an addiction or at least not yet.

Most likely, that's because Facebook exposure is a learned response -- such as when children learn misbehavior earns them attention or when dogs learn going to the bathroom outside earns them a treat -- and learned responses are hard to break, Eden said.

- SD

Pop quiz for Doctor Proctor:  what the fuck on the Internet is not a learned response.  What the fuck is there anywhere which is not a learned response.

"People are learning this reward feeling when they get to Facebook," she said. "What we show with this study is that even with something as simple as the Facebook logo, seeing the Facebook wall of a friend or seeing anything associated with Facebook, is enough to bring that positive association back."

- SD

I didn't learn that when I went to Facebook, Doctor Proctor.  Do I get my money back?  Mostly I regarded looking at the walls of friends as an annoyance which detracted from my purpose of discovering whether Facebook in general has any idea what's happening.  Tip:  it doesn't.

Note:  you could remove at least half of the fake news on Facebook just by eliminating all the silly ass memes.  Hardly any of those are true.

The solution could be to remove some of the cues from people's environment, like, for example, removing the Facebook logo from a cell phone home screen.

"Media, including social media, is one of the most commonly failed goals to regulate," Eden said. "People try to regulate themselves and they really have difficulty with it."

- SD

There's the conclusion and it's started in the same weasel way as the rest of it but, in translation, it's an addiction and we're fucked; we are so fucked (sob).

Here's a sample from Twitter (sample size of one):

 🔥nAmyste ⚾️ 🦉 🐼 💞‏ 

#IfTwitterDidntExist I'd still be lost inside myself, trapped with overwhelming sadness.

That one really needed to go to the world so I reTweeted it with the following helpful tip:

Silas Scarborough Retweeted  🔥nAmyste ⚾️ 🦉 🐼 💞

Come to America for Disney World and stay for the psychopathology

Caution:  look for this lot any day now with a special package of vitamins they will be selling with Doctor Phil to improve your emotional health.

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