Sunday, August 20, 2017

Civil Defense Alert: Know How to Identify Republicans Before they Attack

If it's you or the banks, you're going down so be ever vigilant in identifying Republicans immediately for your own self-defense.  This includes Democrats who pretend they are not Republicans as they act the same but live in more ostentatious housing.  Be ever watchful.

All Republicans are old, white, and humorless.  Previously we could just drive through Kansas and ignore them but they have spawned many times since then and now Grandma has an assault weapon and Grandpa has a KKK flag plus his own assault weapon.  They no longer have a house behind them but a bank, all of the banks.

Know the Republican's empty look of hopelessness in the awareness their misery is someone else's fault but they just can't kill all of those responsible.

Republicans say they are God-fearing but if that were true they true then they would know there's been no God in America since Jimi Hendrix died.

Zen Yogi:  it's because they don't have enough orgasms, Silas  (Ithaka:  When Your Doctor Says Have More Orgasms and She Means It)

Um, what leads you to believe they have ever had orgasms, Yogi?

Zen Yogi:  they practice orgasm austerity?

It looks like it, Yogi.  That's probably what makes them so mean.  Take a look at Theresa May and imagine her naked.  Do you understand why orgasm austerity now, Yogi?

Zen Yogi:  you don't get any orgasms

Yah but I don't give a fuck.  I'm nearly croaked so I don't have to.

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