Saturday, May 6, 2017

It's About Time to Retire Midwest as a Keyword

The treatments are all completed so now the situation has shifted from being actively made to feel shittier by the treatment to getting over feeling shitty.  That part we all know so no need for a running log.

Nothing is ever over and, surprisingly enough, there are adults in the Rockhouse, I'm just not one of them.  We do wear the long pants or, in my case, pajamas so the situation is understood.

There will be a follow-up in some short interval because it's got to be known.  If anything so much as tries to Like a cat video on Facebook, we need to know about it.  We want to know the monster is dead, Doctor.

They will know when they can speak about it.  All is good right now and not simply because the treatment has completed.

All is not so good for Yevette at the moment since she tried rising earlier but couldn't pull it off.  She's been sleeping ever since and I'm not even sure when she first went to bed but she's logging some long hours that way and that's all good too.  Sleep away the pain and sickness.

There's a de facto radio silence since Yevette isn't out there so much but also as part of it when there's a bit of shell shock after all this.  The immersion became total for some while and that did what was needed but suddenly ... poof ... you don't have to do that anymore.

Hopefully improvement is not long in coming but there's no need for frequent updates.

Note:  this article was some hours ago but I knew there were troubles in the background and I thought this article was too Pollyanna relative to that so I didn't post.  She is up now and having a bitch of a time but I've been emphasizing with her this will pass and she knows that's not just smoke.

The troubles just now are not a surprise since yesterday was the graduation but she was still there for another burn from the radiation.  It will get better and I am sure as in positive she knows that even while this mess is still screwing with her.

There may be more about the specifics of the cancer so long as Yevette approves of talking of such matters.  The background on this is extremely personal in terms of symptoms but I'm sure I can deal with that delicately.  The question is whether Yevette wants anyone dealing with that at all.  The reason for saying anything further is the situation is a case study in something I've been saying for ages is needed by everyone.  It may be helpful to hear the rest of the story to demonstrate the point.

Yevette did not fail since she did take the necessary steps but someone else failed to carry it forward despite repeated remonstrations regarding the problem.  That's also a matter which needs extreme delicacy.

The situation is not over for multiple reasons but all logic and available evidence are saying it won't get any worse.  However, we are not children and we will wait to follow up to be sure.  Meanwhile, I just help where I can and try to be cool when I can't.  The cloistering will likely continue for a bit yet since life has taken an extreme surrealism despite living within the hardest reality it offers.

This is a back-handed apology for the radio silence but there is a valid reason.

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