Saturday, January 7, 2017

When You Need to Lift Really Huge Dreams

The Boeing 747 Dreamlifter (formerly Large Cargo Freighter or LCF) is a wide-body cargo aircraft. Cargo is placed in the aircraft by the world's longest cargo loader.  It is an extensively modified Boeing 747-400 that is used exclusively for transporting Boeing 787 Dreamliner aircraft components to Boeing's assembly plants from suppliers around the world.

WIKI:  Boeing Dreamlifter

All those aircraft will help make a whole lot of dreams come true but a series of dreams which don't need such a gigantic conveyance will be cool too.

One of those dreams here at the Rockhouse is wiping out streets, particularly residential.  The highways need to be there for truck deliveries but the byways are used the most for passenger traffic and we want those cars gone.

The general vision is of autonomous shuttles which will get you to this or that nexus but there's still the last leg before you're home.  Even though it's the future, private home ownership isn't in danger; it will get frightfully expensive but it won't disappear.

Since you need to get to that home and there's no road, how about using a flivver and that's a word some sci fi stories have used for flying machines for casual use.  We don't want these flivvers going over, say, thirty feet and they won't go that fast since they won't ever have that far to go.

People can't handle two dimensions without crashing their cars so we want these flivvers to operate autonomously.  Think Uber Flivvers and we won't own them but rather pick one up at the nexus and zoom on out.

Ed:  how do I get a flivver when I want one?

Call it with whatever communicator you prefer.  These autonomous Uber Flivvers need to be 'channel-attached' which is to say all are in constant touch with a channel over which they sync activity.  That could be the Internet or the medium of the moment.  If there's not a flivver immediately available, they will know but otherwise it should only take minutes to arrive.

You won't want to buy one of these things because we will want them beefy enough to lift a chair with granny in it so we can fly her without making her terrified while we do it.  Simply strapping her into something won't cut it.  It will use the clever one-size-fits-all chair of the future which uses an adaptive gel to conform to your shape and grows or contracts as necessary.  In fact, we will even heat it so she will feel cozy.

The Mad Hatter said he believed six impossible things before breakfast but that doesn't preclude coming up with more impossible dreams after that.

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