Sunday, January 8, 2017

The Silas Status is Sub-Optimal

Yevette said she will take me with her to the doctor tomorrow but I questioned the value of going at all.  Drying up a cold is a bad idea since you need to get that gunk out, right.  There's no sign of nasty colors so there's no evidence of viral / bacterial infection.  The final decision was to ride it out since it's not likely a doctor can do anything about it.

Any parent out there knows what I'm saying and I only confirm I know it too.  Voltaire knew it centuries ago when he said, "It's the task of the doctor to amuse the patient while Nature cures the disease."

Ed:  so what's the prescription for it and, yes, this is a test from a parent

Lots of fluids, eat some of that chicken noodle soup when you can, and sleep as much as possible.

Ha!  (larfs)

I've experimented with Echinacea (i.e. coneflower) for preventing / treating colds but I saw no evidence from that of any efficacy toward accomplishing either objective.  Echinacea is one of the Ten Commandments of the Homeopathic Bible but I saw no evidence of any value in it.  (WIKI:  Echinacea)

I didn't eat Echinacea from the garden but Mystery Lady and I enjoyed growing it in part because it attracts those little yellow finches when not much else did.

The reason they call it a coneflower is it will go to seed and the center part will grow into a cone shape which contains all the seeds.  That's the time when the finches will come.


Anonymous said...

I recommend suet blocks. They come in all kinds of flavors Pepper is great for woodpeckers.
If you begin feeding birds in the winter continue all the way til spring.
Just bragging 35 cardinals for lunch today

Unknown said...

I don't think I have seen that many cardinals in my life! Wow!

Dunno if summoning woodpeckers is such a good idea. If one takes up residence nearby, you will likely regret it. I remember one going on for what seemed like most of a Summer and I was ready to get a shotgun to blow it to feathers.

Anonymous said...

I have several that live close by. They can be loud but I havent ever thought of killing them

Unknown said...

I thought of it but I never did it. This one was maybe one hundred yards from a window on the third floor at Hosea and he woke me up many many times.