Monday, January 2, 2017

Slashing Mariah Carey Because She's Rich

Mariah Carey performed on New Year's Eve and it went out live from Times Square where there was an audience of a million people and, oh, fifty million more over the airwaves.  The show tanked famously and Carey has been dipped in boiling oil for it.

Carey charged Dick Clark Productions with sabotaging her and, not surprisingly, they vehemently denied they did that.  They also use that as a cover to make it appear they didn't fail in anything but the earphone monitors they used on stage weren't working and that was known before the set started.

It's hugely incompetent to push a performer out onto the stage without monitors.  People may not realize it but everything about the stage audio is specifically to push the sound outward.  The sound heard on the stage will be some direct plus whatever bounces from the back of the hall.  In Carey's case, it would have been bouncing back from a canyon of New York skyscrapers so that would likely have been cacophony on stage.

The monitors are what make sense of the sound when you're on the stage.  When the production company can't deliver that, they might as well chuck you into a river full of piranha.

You saw what the piranha did with her after the show tanked while everyone else skated away from any kind of responsibility or association.  It was similar to Janet Jackson's 'wardrobe malfunction' after which Justin Timberlake ran away from it like a chicken with its tail feathers afire.

I'm not fan of Mariah Carey's music but I know she writes her own material and she's got the proven talent to deliver it.  If she chooses to deliver the show via lip sync, I couldn't care less since it's her artistic decision to make.

She's also slashed for some kind of fifty-million dollar settlement since that showed more sense of entitlement than a thousand regular people but so what.  Up in their world, it's just Monopoly money to them and they probably hardly ever actually even touch it.

The other side to that is they never see the part of life we see a lot when so much of it is about buying and selling things, even if it's just going to market.  When we see people at Walmart, their lives are fucked or they wouldn't be working there; our lives are fucked or we wouldn't be shopping there;  but I'm ok, you're ok ... everything is cool.  The richies never see that and it's a pity they don't.


Anonymous said...

How can you make such a definitive statement as The ear monitors werent working. I guess you have inside information that noone else is priveledged to receive.
It is all he said she said.
She tanked and walked off. Another Diva artist that blames everyone

Unknown said...

Well, because she said it and the techie people didn't dispute it. Apart from that, no reason (larfs).

You know I don't support her out of any misguided sense of pseudo-feminism and I don't particularly care for her but any soundman can ruin a gig and this one sure got ruined that way.

Anonymous said...

They called it laughable and absurd.
She also claimed they did it on purpose to cause an issue to boost ratings.
The only person claiming technical issues is her. And many reports list her lack of work at sound check as another issue.

Unknown said...

Good point on the sound check. There's nothing pro in hitting the stage after failing to do that. I don't mean to suck up to her for a date but the story has sounded extremely one-sided.