Wednesday, January 11, 2017

My, My, CNN Sure is Pissed with Donald Trump Now

Watching Trump shutting down the CNN reporter in his press conference is something which will one day appear in a collection of golden political oldies we will want to enjoy over and over.

"No, you can't talk.  You're fake news." - Trump

Well, that's settled (larfs).

Likely CNN will now go on an extended CNNdetta as it tries to muster troops for amateur hour at the protests for the Inauguration.

We were amused to see how fast Megyn Kelly skated out of Fox News after the election since there's really not much of a future in it when the President thinks you're a bimbo and has said so.

Likely you have at least sneaked a peek at CNN because why should you believe my bullshit so you have seen for yourself their sauerkraut festival of CIA hogwash.

The Basic Disclaimer:  we're not Republicans but we don't want to be radioactive Democrats as we would have been in continuing Obama's aggression or as Clinton said she would extend.

Trump committed to a better relationship with Moscow and he's been delivering on it.  He's making kind of a crapshoot out of dealing with China in his willingness to stir Taiwan back into it.  Deal with it, Trumpie:  it's not your business what they do.

Although Trump has assembled a Chamber of Horrors Cabinet, all of whom have estimable and easily-predictable intentions, he has also slammed the door on the CIA and regulars have seen reports for years here on the heinous things they do.  We regard the CIA, with zero trace of hyperbole, as the single most dangerous threat to America and the world.  When Trump shows balls in facing them down, we respect him for doing it.

You're not simple stooge news consumers or you wouldn't be here so you know of what McCarthyism did and how Obama and Clinton have been reciting the Red Menace litany, chapter and verse.  That was the same time in which Harry Truman realized his mistake in authorizing the CIA and that real menace has continued ever since until Trump finally stands up to them now.

It's not entirely convincing me yet that he's on it completely about the CIA but he has to be keenly aware he's at the highest risk for assassination of any President in many years.  Maybe you're thinking Obama had a similar risk but the only thing he did which would antagonize white people was Obamacare and I seriously doubt some redneck with a rifle would have been willing to croak him for that.

Ed:  you're saying opposition to Obamacare was racist?

Not entirely since I know some of you all recognized it as a shallow solution which did not fix the problem.  There's nothing racist in objecting to a bad design.

Ed:  Trump will be assassinated for racist reasons?

Nope, the CIA will do it and make it look like a black man was responsible.


Anonymous said...

Last 2 lines...yea that's a fear I have.....

Unknown said...

They make everything so insane and everyone along with them, almost nothing seems beyond them