Monday, January 9, 2017

EZVIO, Another Example of Gangsterism from Big Pharma

Here is another company to expose:  EZVIO

Price of injectable nalaxone about $30 per ml.  Or about 150 per life saving dose.  Has increased substantially in the last few years.

Ezvio version of an EpiPen injector $3900 for a two pen package.  It alone is up over 300% recently.  
This leaves first responders without the pen.  And having to use the old syringe and bottle method if they can stock it

There is a preportioned nasal spray at a reasonable cost.  The problem is with supply of the low cost systems

- Lotho

Lotho's words are verbatim because that's how we do it at Ithaka.  The text was modified slightly for formatting however.

The arithmetic is clear when it takes $150 for a sufficient dose to save the overdosing addict but that becomes almost two thousand when marketed by EZVIO in a pen (when two are in the package).  (EZVIO)

Blink-Health:  EZVIO (for actual right now cost, just over $3900)

There's no need for an editorial since you can quickly see already it's wicked and wrong.

Lately it's been fashionable to babble about Obamacare but all together with what Obamacare did about Big Pharma:  absolutely nothing.

Martin Shkreli likes to play at being the Bad Hombre of Big Pharma but he's nothing when all of them are doing are working the same extortionary prices.  Taking Shkreli out individually will have almost no effect on the overall problem.

Lotho, sorry I did not see this for a few days and see somewhere else about being suboptimal for the moment.  Hopefully soon comes the expel from every orifice stage and then after that the glorious bath to purge all the cooties from this plague.  It's much warmer here today and for a few more so hopefully light returns to the realm.


Anonymous said...

This issue is really owned by the GOP. They passed a law 10 or so years ago. It prohibited Medicare from negotiating drug prices with Big Pharma. SInce this happened during a GOP majority Congress, they own it.
This doesnt give Obama a pass as he is still in bed with Big Pharma but they own this one

Unknown said...

Nope, no pass for Obama as the only redeeming feature of Obamacare is it insured twenty million who did not have insurance previously but it institutionalized the corrupt companies at the root of the problem. This one will be another test for Trump as to whether he stands up to it since he sure has no friends in the GOP.

Anonymous said...

CVS just announced an EpiPen for 1/6 the cost of Mylan. And that is not thier business. Thanks Big Pharma for continually screwing us

Unknown said...

Trump actually may have a score on that since he said he will war with them over prices