Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Don't Miss Red Panda Cubs Playing in the Snow in Cincinnati

One of my ex-hometowns takes a bow for this one since it comes from the Cincinnati Zoo and is new today.

Don't skip playing it as they're highly damn cute.

The facilities look quite expansive and, although I've been to that Zoo many times, I didn't even know they had any red pandas.  I even worked there for a short time when I was in uni and it was one of the best jobs I ever had even when I was just working on the grounds crew.  There was no money in it but the whole world was right there within about a square mile or so and all of it was beautiful.

The Cincinnati Zoo also hosts the Festival of Lights and maybe no-one even knows how many zillions of lights they use for it.  The spectacle of the Festival is beautiful but they always run it at a time of year when it's frigid cold outside.

Note:  I couldn't find my own photographs from the Festival and this one is from PNC FESTIVAL OF LIGHTS

The one for 2016 was held on November 17.

Ed:  why do it when it's so bitter cold outside?

Cincinnatians like torturing themselves like that ... particularly when the other choice is staying home to watch television for six months of the year.  The cold really does add something to it, tho.

Ed:  sure it does.  It adds misery!

Cold always brings that but there really is more.  There's kind of a vibe of shared suffering and then you have some hot chocolate with the other tough hombres at the end of it which is when it's just about as good as hot chocolate ever tastes.

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