Monday, January 2, 2017

Do All Stoners Go to Disneyland

Tinkerbell, Lotho, and I were sitting about getting hammered when the suggestion arose, "What say we hitchhike to Disneyland?"

That was it and we gathered up a few things then split.

Yes, of course I realize now how supremely shitty it was to split without giving anyone any notice but those kinds of retrospective thoughts are what bring the light to old age, aren't they.  Man, you were such an asshole.

On a roll, there was ...

- rolling through Kentucky on the Magic Hippie Bus which was a converted schoolbus and they stoned us with some simply remarkable smoke.  It would have been outstanding to ride with them for a long while but they ended up going a different direction.

- hooking up with the criminals who were still cool and said they were going down to Florida to pick oranges but they were probably bankrobbers who were keeping a low profile until they got to Miami Beach

- Disneyland was so much less strange than it seemed it should be since we bring so much willing suspension of disbelief even when we know Mickey is some guy walking around in a costume and it must be hot as hell inside there.  That was surprisingly cool except for "It's a Small, Small World" which I have hated to this day.  It's my vision of Hell in which you go around that exhibit over and over without any hope of ever being able to turn it off or escape.

- there was the VW minibus hippie guy and we rolled with him for quite a while.  He had some good smoke and didn't mind sharing.  He wasn't getting anywhere with Tinkerbell but he enjoyed trying and she didn't seem to mind.

- the beauty part was coming out of Washington and riding with Abaddon's demonic hilljacks who were heading home from work in D.C. to their homes in West Virginia.  They were some drunk monkeys and there were two cars between which they were passing bottles of booze while they hammered it up the Interstate into the hills at 100 mph or so.

That got better when we arrived in West Virginia at a remote trailer park.  We stayed outside and weren't quite sure how to handle the situation when some of those drunkie monkeys came outside to fire guns into the air.  Eventually we crept out of there and wound up sleeping under a highway overpass.


So, yes, Stoners Do Go to Disneyland.  Live like you're writing a book and you don't ever have to put it on paper.

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